I just finished rewatching this episode, and thought I'd try to get my thoughts down before they slip away.
I've read a few other reviews on this episode, so those might be influencing me a bit. My initial reaction after watching last Wednesday was that I liked it a lot. After my rewatch, however, I'm feeling much more cautious about it. The boys just don't seem like themselves, and it's throwing off the feel of the show. I'm still optimistic that as the first half of the season progresses, and we see more and more backflashes, we'll understand how the boys changed much better.
Dean clearly is having a hard time adjusting, which is a perfectly natural reaction to suddenly being topside. My heart hurt a little at the end of the episode, when he admitted he would have killed Linda Tran. Because after all, what is one more nightmare? I'm hoping his warrior mentalitly diminshes as he further acclimates to the "real world" again.
Sam is more confusing to me than Dean. I suppose because it's easy to see why Dean is acting the way he is, but Sam? I'm totally baffled. He certainly doesn't seem interested in hunting, which is understandable considering he left his girlfriend sleeping in their bed to rejoin Dean. But he seems so passive as well, he barely reacts to Dean when Dean's acting all murderous warrior, and that I don't get. Shouldn't he be trying to bring Dean down off the ledge a little? A little bit more of a voice of reason?
I liked Linda Tran. Yes, a few of her lines were rather stereotypical, but I thought her character seemed rather well rounded considering this is the first time we meet her. And I loved her in the pawn shop. Way to save the day! And I'm not at all surprised that Kevin took his mom and ran off. He's had a rather horrible few days, and not a lot of reasons to trust the Winchesters.
Some mysteries seemed solved about Crowley. Red eyes, red smoke... I think we can certainly believe that he is a demon, and not some other being masquerading as a demon! I thought the effects of his smoke were pretty cool.
Edit: *sighs* I can't believe I forgot about Castiel! I like Castiel, but I'm definitely all about the brothers, so I tend to think of characters like Cas and Bobby as an added bonus. Anyway... I don't really know what to think about what's been revealed about Cas so far. I think I'm still crossing my fingers that Cas somehow manipulated Dean into leaving him, as some sort of penance for his past mistakes.
I'm looking forward to Wednesday's episode, I'm ready to get a little more detail on Sam's year, and hopefully a few answers to his behavior. Not looking forward to the girlfriend part, but I'm trying to keep an open mind and hopefully she'll make a much better second opinion.