Summer fun?

Jun 04, 2009 11:37

Lat week Grandma, Mama & Linus went to the zoo. This is a picture of us. Today is the 3rd day in a row of 85+ temps. I am in a waiting period. The Evil Stepmother filed for bankrupcy so Randy has to jump through lots more expensive legal hoops if he is ever to get the money the Trust is owed. I have been waiting for this all to be over so we could take a real vacation and go to Ireland but Randy has other plans. We bought a house so we will be moving before the end of June. This means of course that all our money will be tied up in that. It is a 1955 brick ranch house in a really nice neighborhood. It has almost everything we could possibly want except sidewalks and an up-to-date electrical system. I am expecting that to cost another vacation's worth. It does have a fireplace, a heatpump with AC, an inground sprinkler system, and a formal dining room. It will be great. It is such a hassle, though.
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