The sun is shining.

Apr 15, 2009 11:25

Perhaps it means that Spring might show up sometime this year. In the meantime this smile can certainly melt some frost.

Tonight I am going to be part of a focus group in Federal Way. I'll get paid $75 for it. I tell you all about it when it's over.

Easter was very lazy. I came close but did not lose my voice. The Easter repertorie is not complex--just long. We spend so much time leading up to it singing on Holy Thursday (I got my feet washed by Fr. Straz)that by the time Easter is here, the choir director is all in. We have brass to accompany us along with the organ so no one can hear us anyway.

The Easter Bunny made provisions, but Randy's blood sugar was too high from sour cream buns to allow for any jelly beans so I have a secret cache that I am depleting.

We wen nowhere and did nothing special to mark the day. It was ugly weather--some snow and lots of rain. Hard to believe April is half over.
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