(no subject)

Jan 20, 2006 23:14

I was rear ended last Sunday by a Mexican who was using his father's Michigan driver's license.

We exchanged information, and he said he didn't want to go through insurance, and wanted to cut a deal, and to get an estimate on the damage and get back to him. So I did, and I called him, and left a message. Then I called the next day. And the next day. And then I left a message saying that if he didn't get back to me by Friday, I'm calling his insurance company. He didn't get back to me, so I called them today and filed a claim. An adjuster is coming early next week to check out my damages, and hopefully I can get it fixed soon without having to pay a dime.

Basically I need a new rear bumper and my side passenger air bags went off, so I need those fixed too. Also, my car spun 180 degrees, so I'll probably need my tires aligned.

I am also now on Lexapro for depression/anxiety, and when I was prescribed it the doctor was like, "Oh and you need to get bloodwork done in a couple of weeks to see how it's working out." And I was like, "But that's something that gives me anxiety attacks! Isn't that what we're trying to avoid?" And he just kinda stared at me. It was amusing. The other thing that's kind of funny is that my sister is taking the exact same thing. Or is that sad? I don't know.

I am now insanely busy at work but thank goodness for interns doing some of the work for me!

Also I'm the alumni advisor for the spring semester for Ramapo's APO chapter, so that's exciting.

I think that's pretty much it for now.
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