What the duck

Oct 09, 2008 01:45

I'm just tired of always being sick, or my son being sick. It's just not fair.
Oh well, what can you do? Well I have deicded that when Harvey goes to Arizonia (if thats where he is going) I'm going with him. Not for me, acually I will probably be miserable or, I don't know yet. I'm mainly doing this for Kadyn. The hospital out that way has a lot more to offer my son, and also the fact that i can stay home and care for Kadyn is a plus. I love my son to death. I'd do anything to make sure he gets the best care possible now to help him in the future. Kadyn deserves a great future and that can only be with the best possible doctors i can find. Childrens Hospital of Michigan ranks number 1 in the country, but I'm telling you, it's far from it. The ER staff sucks balls, You can be in the room for hours waiting for a room and no one will check and make sure everything is okay. The only time where I didn't mind the wait is when I fell asleep and woke up and someone had brought not only my son a blanket but me also. I think that was the best service so far. I know that because of Kadyns conditions none of his ER visits are going to be in and out. They have to do what is called a shunt survey. He needs to get X-ray of his head, chest and tummy, then he has to go in for a CT scan. Then we do blood work, and usually a shunt tap. (they stick a needle in his shunt to measure the pressure (google it). Then its admit him but under who's watch? Neurosurgary, Neurology or Pediatrics. It's been just Neurology lately, thankfully, Neurosurgary isn't a good thing to be admitted under. Why? Read the name NeuroSurgary. Usually that means Kadyns going to need  a shunt revision of some kind. Joy oh Joy.

Either way the only thing that has kept me at Childrens is thier Neurosurgary team. They are so nice and helpful and care for my child like he is thier own. Then again i usually have someone asking me if they can take him home and keep him. I don't think so Kadyn ismine mine mine mine mine!!! So I think it's time to move on in life, time to go elsewhere, yes I'll miss all my friends here, but my one true friend, the only one i could ever count on for meijer late night or walmart or shit pretty much anywhere will be gone by tomorrow, and that gives me no reason to stay here in Michigan.

It's funny because i brought it up to my mom that I was leaveing and she was like well, I'm going to miss him very much, but yet when I need her to watch him while I'm at work or if i don't feel like taking him to the store with me, she just gives me attitude about it, like okay you're going to miss him but you only want something to do with him when you want to. I don't ask anyone to watch Kadyn to often because i know he is a lot to take care of, I understand this more than anyone!  I serisously don't get it. My mom went from watching Kadyn everyday and not minding while i was at work to totally just getting all pissy about, another reason why i want to move. It's funny how my dad wants to play with Kadyn while I'm trying to get him settled down, it pisses me off royaly because he doesn't have to deal with it I DO! DAMN!!

Anyways enough bitching for tonight

buh bye
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