5 Days...count 'em...FIVE!!!

Feb 04, 2005 11:47

Yea, that's right, just what the subject line says...only 5 more days til I get to see Keith (that's only a hand)!! Just like most girls (or at least I think), of course I'm excited to get to see the boyfriend; I think that's part of what keeps a relationship going, that feeling you get in your stomach and the rest of your body before you get to see that special someone...and let me tell you, I've got it, lol. This past week has been insane, I'm laughing at every stupid thing imaginable, and there's almost always a smile on my face. One drawback to that is all the weird looks I get from people on campus as I walk by with that grin on my face, but I wouldn't trade it for how happy I've been lately.
But back to what I was saying before about being excited, I mean, I always get excited when I get to spend time with him, just because I love who I am when I'm around him (well, and some other stuff too, hehe).  However, this has been different recently compared to all the other days that have preceded times that I get to be with him.  For example, I have all my outfits picked out, and even further, what days/times I'm wearing them...all my showering stuff has been put into the lil bottles (so I don't have to lug the big ones) and organized in my lil carrying case, and all my homework, reading, etc (minus a paper I have to write this weekend) that's due anytime between now and when I get back is finished.  It may be only 5 days, but from the way I have things already, it seems like I'm leaving tomorrow...I'm just so anxious, and really, I don't know why this is any different than the other times, but I'm just that much more excited.  EEE!!
Nothing much to really update on...things have been going well overall (minus the exams I took this week, ugh, kill me), but here's a short, sweet lil update...ready....go...
  • Learned another lesson from the one and only, and because of it, have had some of the best past 2 weeks I've had in a while
  • We got about 2 feet of snow within a less-than-12-hours period...during which we (Lauren, Breaha, and I) had to drive to Kalamazoo for a synchro competition, as well as get out of Breaha's parking lot when we got stuck (haha, that was just hilarious, you couldn't help but laugh at the situation)
  • The weather has been beautiful...30's and sunny (yea, I know, it's kinda sad when we get excited for temps to be above freezing, but hey, we're damn happy with it, ok?  lol)
  • Jenny and I made daquiris last weekend...like real ones, and this was the first time I'd ever had alcohol, as in not just a sip, so I guess that was a milestone for me
  • Jenny and I have also tried taking a more physical attempt to getting the dishes to be RINSED before they're left to grow things in the sink...we'll see how it works
  • A few weekends ago, Jenny and I also decided to take apart our sink and clean it out, as well as the bathtub (but that was Tricia's job)...there's pictures of this rather fun/humorous event here (http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/sarajoy120684/my_photos)
  • A new holiday is March 8th--"Jenny no longer has a contract with Cingular for the phone that sits at home under her bed because her Verizon phone doesn't suck as like Cingular does" Day  (aka: Anti-Cingular Day...Keith's birthday too)
That's all I got...here's a lil picture of our fuse box for your enjoyment...teehehe

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