(no subject)

Jul 05, 2004 22:57

ok alriiiight (steve and kat, just think of that woman who used to run the TT to C-zone...so i want to be dropped off ACROSS from the colluseum. um theres my car...wait...acrosss...not...no..::pulls in to totally diff parking lot:::well here u are) theres you're sign <---i have a new love. its called blue collar comedy tour. something about it.

rant on:i HATE hoobastank. now they rank up there with eminem oh scuse me D12. i liked them but then the radio ruined them. now i cringe and switch the station when i hear the piano going "boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...im not a perfect person..."

the schlotz was awesome tonight. we had like 2 pseudo-rushes which kept things interesting but not overwhelming. davids daughter victoria (shes 6) came and played with me until we closed. his girls are the sweetest prettiest little girls ever, i love them. i would babysit them if i penni didnt stay home with them all the time.

then i was gonna go out and do something. i called kat and instigated it for once and then while i was getting ready my dad put his foot down and believe me...i was not happy. but at least it gives me an excuse to sit at home and be completely lazy and watch tv lol.

my pillow has been sitting in the garage since i got home from gulf shores. it is disgusting. i just ate some bbq. mmm. im not working tomorrow :) i have fingerprints on my back. my mom is gone all day tomorrow. house to myself.

lol for anyone who read this earlier...this section is gone bc it was stupid.

everyone check out jills journal. her fireworks are amazing. i played with it for over 15 minutes today. ok im a loser :) love you!

"i'd stick it to her" yes i heard that line again...and i thought once was enough.
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