you know your calculus -- U + ME = UUUUUSSSSS!!!

Mar 14, 2004 10:10

uuuum...i think im gonna put a dead chipmunk in laura's gas cap area. i really dont want to damage property but there definately is a time and place for vengence. plus, laura deserves to find dead animals in her car bc shes just a horrible lowdown scum of the earth person.

man, i dont think i have ever been so angry at anyone in my life. for real, i dont get angry. i get hurt and cry but i hardly ever get actually enraged and its even less likely that ill try to hurt someone else. its just not who i am.

so i drove home yesterday morning, and then spent most of the day doing laundry (5 massive loads!) and vacuuming out the beetle. i worked through some of the chemistry self tests and finished my research paper. i dont know how good it is. i have an A in english right now i hope i can keep it.

i didnt go to church this morning bc i left all my "church clothes" in auburn and also had a stomache ache. anyways, i'm not working tonight, allison called and picked up my shift, so im gonna leave for auburn late tonight or tomorrow morning. man that chemistry test over 16,17, & 19 is going to RAPE us. not steve though :P hghghghghg...well i will be goin now, i suddenly had a desire to eat at outback. unfortunately it isnt open. sigh...i guess ill just get supper there next time i work (which is closing wednesday since i gave away my shifts)

i hope lauren is ok. when i called her last night she was worried that she would have to break up with ryan over dinner. her formal was last night. hahaha she said if she left formal early she would call and we could schnark in her dorm room. omg DB and Andy Wald both tried to put the moves on her. blarg...ive had DB do that...its rough :O hmmmwell, im off to do some reading! toodloooooooo
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