hey...i bought that cadillac...

Feb 20, 2004 14:36

big props to everyone who gave me some things to think about for my paper. after reading steves comments...i decided to change my paper to why it should be illegal for obese people to have sex.

HA...JK. i cant say anything ill probably be obese someday, even though i probably cant eat any more or exercise any less that i do right now.

but seriously, after alot of thought, i realized that YES gay marriage is WRONG. but i can't prove it. its like one of those things...those frustrating things that just burrow into ur mind bc it makes u so mad that you cant figure out why you believe what you believe. anywho, despite my urge to be controversial and difficult (as u all know i can be...) i decided to write about reparations. it was something i hadnt thought of and then steve brought up what a good paper it would make. im taking the anti reparations approach. this doesnt mean im racist bc i certainly am not (even if auburn does tend to make people more prejudice) anyway. im in the library right now and i've already printed out three internet sources and im about to go get 3 books outta the stacks.

there is this one internet source that i can tell is gonna be great.
go to www.adversity.net/reparations/anti_reparations_ad.htm.

i feel bad doing this during black history month and with all those black guys in my class but whatever. its not gonna be done in a spiteful way. its just a paper. plus like steve was saying...dont you think that reparations will just inspire more racism. i mean come on, when u see a black person driving a nice car, most of the time u think they just became a dr or something, and unless he's iced out you dont think he's dealing or anything. well if this goes through, and we see a black person driving a nice car we're gonna be like..."damn, i paid for that, and im driving a ford..."

i have to work tonight. im closing which means i'll be done by midnight if im lucky. after that i think im gonna go meet up with some people from moes and steph and hang out...or i might hang w/ the outback people if anything comes up. it probably wont. blah. i need to get out of the library.

btw that chemistry test that i failed, Cptn. Hill is gonna replace our lowest exam grade with whatever we make on the final. so im not totally screwed after all. im excited about that. ok well everyone call me and leave me comments if you love me!!!

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