
May 30, 2004 18:54

I'm soooo happy, I'm leaving for the beach today with Cindy and spending a WHOLE WEEK with her and her family. Deborah and Joseph keep going on about how much they'll miss me, and yes, I'll miss them...but I'm going to the beach!! I haven't seen the ocean in so long and I miss it. I've always really loved the ocean...mostly for the sound. You get the idea of how it makes me feel from a poem I wrote the last time I went, when I went to see my brother Lucas in Charleston, SC:

Effects of the Ocean

A young maiden with
Wistful green eyes
Gazes out at the harbor,
Feeling her heart
And the crashing waves
Beating as one
In restless unceasing rhythm.

The wind tosses her hair
In sprightly revelry of total freedom --
She lets the breeze fill her soul
As she closes her eyes
And lets everything go.

Her weary eyes rest
On the bit of horizon
Unscathed by civilizations mighty grasp --
She feels akin to this emptiness.

The tide rolls out below her on the rocks --
She goes out with it in mind and spirit,
Never wishing to return from that faraway land of

The salty substance of the sea
Flows through her veins --
She feels it now like never before
And she clings to the unearthly connection --
An identity of the ages.

That was one of the poems I used in my project for art, where we had to illustrate poems and include them in the drawing. It turned out quite well. :)

Whelps, I've still got stuff I need to do before I go, so toodles!

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