Feb 01, 2005 20:51
Hi, if you haven’t heard by now, Alex Reynold’s 19th birthday is on the 3rd of February!! On March 5th-6th, we are going to get a group together (mostly the old crew from BHS) and we are going to hold a PRIVATE lock in at Laser Quest in San Antonio! It will last from 12am-6am and cost 30.00 (which is the cost of a normal lock in) This is to celebrate Alex’s birthday AND to serve as a sort of Reunion for everyone who’s lost touch already out in the real world! You can bring a present for him or not, since the cost is a little high for some. YOU’VE GOT A MONTH to make plans for this, to be there, to have the 30.00, and to ditch everything else for this. Take it off from work, find a ride home from college. PLEASE PLEASE!! RSVP with your name, number, and email address to Sarajane at xdeslumbrantex@hotmail.com or IM her on AIM at omgitssarajane THANK YOU SO MUCH!! If we all work together, this can be a really really fun get together!
what i need you guys to do, is to get that and pass it around. people from boerne and all that and kids alex knows. also let them know that they can't just show up because there's gonna be an invite list and you have to be on the list to go.
So, March 5th-6th, 12am-6am.. so i guess it's all on the 6th if you want to be technical.. or correct. okay okay so you guys pass this around! i want this to be really fun. remember. I HAVE TO HAVE AN EMAIL OR PHONE CALL TO MAKE SURE COMPLETELY FROM EVERYONE just so we know excactly who is coming. we don't want to run short on people!
thanks for your help everyone!!!!