
Dec 22, 2014 22:49

Character Chart

Basic Background
Character’s full name:Sara Anne Belmont
Character’s preferred name/nickname:Sara
Birth date:January 2nd
How old does he/she appear*:22
Weight (pounds):115 Lbs
Height (inches or feet and inches):5'8''
Body build*:Slim
Eye color:Blue
Predominant physical features*:Many tattoos and very long blonde hair
Hair color:Blonde
Type of hair:Extra long, down past her hips
Usual body posture*:Confident standing when out, when at home drawing or tattooing she keeps her head down in her work.
Overall attractiveness*:Very
Gender Identity:Born and identifies as a female
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Usual fashion of dress:Lots of black. Going out is usually tight fitting, short dresses or crop tops. Working is jeans and a tank top or t-shirt. At home, shorts and a t-shirt.
Favorite outfit*:Cut up jeans, crop top and suspenders.
Jewelry or accessories*:She always has different plugs for her ears and her usual black glasses.

Medical History
Physical disabilities:N/a
Allergies (medical and seasonal):Amoxicillian and Bees
Chronic Illnesses/Disorders:ADHD, Bi Polar tendancies
Blood Type:A+
Serious Illnesses:N/a
Broken bones:A couple broken toes, nothing major.
Glasses or contacts:Glasses
Distinguishing marks: birthmarks, tattoos, scars, etcShe is covered in tattoos. All of them are in black only, no color. They are mostly religious art, which she became really drawn to while doing a project in high school. Ever since then, it is her main focus.

Positive personality traits:Sara is very fun and outgoing. She loves to talk and meet new people. She can be very generous to her close friends. Her close friends are considered her family.
Negative personality traits: must list a minimum of two flawsShe can be a bit snobby sometimes. She can become easily jealous. Partying is her top priority.
Sense of humor:Sometimes dark, but most just whatever pops into her head.
Character’s greatest fear and why:Clowns. When she was little she her parents took her to the carnival, a clown surprised her when she was coming off of a ride and she hasn't been able to shake the creepy feeling of them ever since then. Doctors also scare her to death. She will put off seeing a doctor until she reallyreallyreally has to, or is forced.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?:Losing either one of her parents.
Character is most at ease when:Drawing or tattooing
Most ill at ease when:Dealing with her fathers clients at his law firm.
Enraged when:Being told what to do. Or when someone says something bad about her family/friends.
Depressed or sad when:When nobody wants to go out or hang out.
Priorities:Art, Partying, Money
Life philosophy*:"Art should comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable." - Cesar Cruz
Greatest strength:She will stand up for her friends and family no matter what.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: must list at least oneBeing alone.
Character’s darkest secret:She helped her ex-boyfriend cover up an accidental murder so he wouldn't go to jail.
Does anyone else know?Her parents and her ex.

Place of birth:Just outside ofAtlantic City
Hometown:* (required if different from place of birth)Atlantic City
Type of childhood:Pretty good. She was very spoiled but worked hard in school.
Childhood Pets*:two cats - Snickers and Smores
Childhood hero*:Her mother
Dream job:Artist
Education:Graduated top of her high school, and earned an art degree from Yale University
Religion:Christian, but does not practice a lot.
Finances:Wealthy due to her father.

Current location:A single family home just off the boardwalk in Atlantic City.
Currently living with:herself
Pets:Cat - Egypt
Occupation:Tattoo artist and general artist
Role in game if NOT employed by Palace:TattooArtist at inKing
Religion:Christian, but does not practice a lot.
Political leanings:Middle of the road
Finances:Wealthy still from her parents, but makes enough on her own to live comfortably.

Mother/Female Guardian:Cassandra Marie Belmont
Relationship with her:Close
Father/Male Guardian:Joseph Steven Belmont
Relationship with him:Very close
Relationship with siblings:None
Other Family*:Grandparents from her mothers side. Grandfather from her fathers side.
Relationship with them*: (required if other family are listed)They get together at holidays and important events, but she does not see them very often.

Close Friends:A few (will be made in game)
Love interest(s):None at the moment
Significant past romantic relationships:She has had a few serious boyfriends, but nothing lasted. One ex, she helped cover for when he accidently killed a man during a fight.

Person character goes to for advice:Her father
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of*:Her father mostly
Person character feels shy or awkward around*:Super cute boys
Person character openly admires:Her father
Most important person in character’s life before story starts:Her father
After story starts*:Her father

Languages spoken:English
Hobbies:Art, dancing, partying, drawing, painting, shopping
Plays a musical instrument? (If yes, which)*:Piano
Plays sports? (If yes, which?)*:No
Martial Arts/Fighting training? If yes, what; what level of skill?:No
How he/she would spend a rainy day*:Curled up in bed with a sketchpad
Spending habits*:She shops a LOT. If she has it, she spends it.
Other drugs: smokes quite often. Will dabble in other things when the mood hits.
Carry weapons? If yes, what; what level of skill?:a pocket knife and pepper spray. Only uses if needed. She does know how to shoot guns pretty well.
What does he/she do too much of?*:Shopping
What does he/she do too little of?*:Saving
Extremely skilled at:Tattooing and art
Extremely unskilled at:Saving money
Nervous habits or tics:She chews her lip when she is nervous.

Traits (Select the trait your character isprimarily)
Optimist or pessimist?:Optimist
Introvert or extrovert?:Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?:Daredevil
Logical or emotional?:Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?:Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing?:Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?:Confident
Animal lover?:Yes!

RP Sample:I need to know you can write in character. Please provide a sample, written in your character's voice. May be a narrative or part of a scene. If posting part of a scene, please include other character's posts. AIM scene, short little piece for this -
Their start - Ryo wanted to see Jess. It was his lunch break and he figured that he could surprise him with something to eat from the kitchens. Packing a lunch for Jess, he made his way down to the tattoo shop. He was dressed in just a black t shirt and jeans. Something quick and easy to change in and out of. His kitchen whites had been left behind for now. He pushed open the door and walked inside, the little brown paper bag in his other hand. He walked over to the desk and smiled. "Hello, is Jess here?" he asked.

StandAndRiseAgainst (me) -Sara had been in between appointments at this time, so she satherself up at the front desk of the shop to do some finishing details on a drawing. Her head listed up from her sketchpad as the door opened, smiling as she pushed the glasses up her nose a bit. "Heya, Jess actually isn't in today. The appointment canceled, so Jess stayed home for today. I can send a message and say you stopped by though?"

Their reply - "Oh thank you!" he replied, bowing politely. "I am his room mate. Ryo" he added afterwards. It would be a shame to let the lunch go to waste. He bit his lip thoughtfully and placed the bag on the counter, looking to what she had been doing.

Me - "Ohh hey, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Sara." She smiled and held her hand out to him politely. She was working on what looked like stained glass piece, a detailed piece she was sketching out with just pens at the moment. The final process would come much later. "Jess told me you might be stopping by sometime."

Their reply - "Hello Sara" he said with that polite smile in place. He looked to the piece she was working on and nodded. "I like this. It's really nice" he said, pointing to it. "Are you religious at all?" he asked curiously.

Me - "Aww thank you. I am somewhat, I'm mostly just drawn in by religious art pieces. I've collected quite a few pieces over the years." She held out her arms for him to see. Lots of religious pieces, done in solid black all over her skin. They were mostly from old wood etchings, things like that, but she was drawn to that style for some reason.

Their reply - "They are very nice" he smiled and nodded. He didn't have any tattoos himself. At least not yet. "Um have you had lunch yet?" he asked.

Me - Her eyebrow raised at his question and she shook her head softly "Nah not yet. I kinda lost myself in doodling there for a while." She laughed while she reached up to shove her mass of blonde hair back from her face.

Their reply - "I was going to give this to Jess" he said gesturing to the brown paper bag. "If you would like it, you can. It would be a shame for it to go to waste" he nodded.

Me - "Awww, that's sweet of you. I could totally eat right now." She laughed and flashed a bright smile up to him. "You wanna split it? Doesn't seem fair to have you bringing me lunch if you don't got anything for yourself."

Their reply - "It is okay" he laughed softly. "I can't stay too long anyway. I should get back to work soon" he nodded. "It is a sandwich in there with feta cheese, prosciutto, leetuce and cheery tomatoes. With an ice tea with fresh lemon, and a slice of ginger cake" he explained.

Me - "Oh sweet Jesus. I think I just might love you." She replied after he told her what all was in there.Sara reached over to open the bag, smiling bright. "It looks delicious, the boys here will all be jealous. Thank you so much Ryo."

Their reply - "It's okay" he said with a polite smile and a small bow. "Well, I hope you enjoy your lunch! And it was very nice to meet you" he said. he couldn't help but bow and smile. It was the way he had been raised.

Me - "I will, thank you! Was nice to meet you too, and see ya soon." She said with a grin and lifted her hand to wave a goodbye to him. What he did was nice, and she totally appreciated it.

Other Application Information (the basics I need that don't fit above):
PB, if applicable:PB -Sara Fabel
LJ/AIM:Journal - Sarainks / AIM - StandAndRiseAgainst
Photo: here
Do you play other characters in the game (and if so, who)?:No
How did you hear about us?:Another player. Fern, aka Jonne

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