Where Words Fail (Words Never Fail)

Oct 13, 2014 13:11

Pairing: MinKey
Length: 5.6k
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: none really, multiple pov
Summary: Key and Minho have been more than best friends for a long time, and it takes one afternoon for them to even more than that.

Key is an enigma, Kibum not so much.

Key has several thousands of followers on Instagram, and a little more on twitter. He has a ton of friends, but none as good as Minho he presumes.

Although they are are as different as they come, they have been best friends for longer than either care to remember and roommates for three years. Minho had been a little afraid of the possibility of drifting apart during college, but his fears had not been realized. During their rather tumultuous years living together, Minho has learned that he has the patience of a saint. That’s what it takes to overlook the stack of dishes in the sink that will continue to grow until he does something about it. Or his miraculously expanding, and rather unrecognizable, pile of laundry. He could have sworn that he’s never owned a pair of pink boxers, but he takes it all in stride. It helps when he comes home to an elaborate home cooked meal after a particularly tough day of classes or work, or when Kibum will sink to his knees and coax relief out of Minho with a soft, wet mouth.

They’ve never bothered to put any kind of label on what they have, not since it started shortly after Minho’s sixteenth birthday. Kibum had pulled Minho into his room during a particularly boring family party with a smirk plastered on his face. ‘I wanna try something’ he had said, and Minho the ever trusting friend had followed with no apprehension. With a sloppy, experimental blow job and muffled moans, their friendship changed.

Even though it started as exploration of their bodies and preferences, they were well past that now; each knowing exactly what it took for the other to fall apart and when they needed it. It was easy to maintain this thing they had, ignoring pointed questions from family and friends. It was easy because they were exactly what the other wanted, all the other needed.

They ran in different circles, only really coming together when they were home alone. On the occasions that they were out together, they’d never run into either’s group of friends, so no one was privy to their relationship. Minho was pretty sure that his friends thought his roommate was made up. Key rarely mentioned his roommate, always making excuses when someone wanted to hang out at his apartment. Neither of them wanted to burst the bubble they lived in. It was funny because as much as outsiders didn’t know about them, they understood each other perfectly.

Minho knew that Key needed to go to a club and dance away his frustrations, sometimes. He knew that Kibum would come home, more than a little drunk, and ask to fuck Minho with a pout on his lips.

Kibum knew that Minho loved to play soccer or basketball on weekend mornings to feel like he wasn’t wasting away at school and at work. He also knew that Minho liked to cuddle him into the couch while they watched movies on their down time. Nobody else had to be included in this thing, because it was exclusively theirs.

Sometimes, though, it was hard for both of them to keep everyone out.

“You seriously hooked up with Key last night?” an excited voice questioned loudly. Far higher in volume than the rest of the conversations that filled the coffee shop where Minho stood behind the counter. “I thought he didn’t usually hook up?”

Minho kept brewing the macchiato that he was working on, attempting to ignore the familiar pang in his gut. He raised his chin, following the voices to a table that held two rather attractive brunettes, chatting over coffee and textbooks. One of them looked vaguely familiar.

“I mean, I’m sure he does. He did with me,” the one with the green cup answered with a shrug. “But yeah, it was pretty hot.” He smiled suggestively, as if prompting his companion to question him about it.

“Well with the way that he dances, I could only imagine.” The companion laughed. Minho’s ears lit up red, realizing where he recognized green cup guy from. He’d been scrolling through Key’s Instagram pictures during a lull in the morning, and he now recognized the guy as he was in Key’s last picture of the night. It had been posted just twenty minutes before the poster had been home, crawling into bed with him.

As much as he didn’t want to, Minho continued listening to the exchange. He had never understood the strange need that some people seemed to have to lie about things that had not transpired. While he wasn’t above embellishing certain things when retelling a story, he would never blatantly lie about something, especially about other people. For some reason, Key had managed this sort of reputation, without actually doing any of the things that some claimed (or accused) he had done.

If it was an accomplishment to have slept with Key, Minho would be the one holding all the awards. That was why he felt an inherent disgust towards the green cup guy, making his stomach clench in an attempt to keep his anger at bay.

“He looked so fucking hot under me, begging for me.”

Minho could feel a little bit of his anger dissipate to make room for humor. If only the guy knew that Kibum was never one for begging or for being under him.

The companion looked equal parts intrigued and flustered, no doubt imagining the scene. Minho wanted to call out the liar, voice that Kibum crawled into his bed and pushed his legs apart to settle between them. He wanted to say that Kibum ran his hands over Minho’s crotch, rousing him from sleep, because he wanted to fool around. He wanted to shout that green cup guy didn’t know shit about Kibum and he should keep his name out of his fucking mouth.

But he didn’t do that.

It was a never-ending argument with Kibum, about what he should do in situations where people lied about him or bad-mouthed him. If it was up to Minho, he’d correct people and defend his best friend. To Kibum though, it wasn’t worth it. Over and over again, he’d said that people would always talk and it didn’t make sense for Minho to get worked up by it.

“It comes with the territory of being popular,” Kibum explained. “People think that because they see my pictures or read some of my thoughts that they can make assumptions about my life. But those people don’t matter. Everyone who is important knows who I am, and that’s all that matters.”

With Kibum’s insistence, Minho learned to bite his tongue no matter how much it wanted to lash out ruthlessly.

Kibum hated mornings like this. Even though he knew that he had instigated last night’s outing to his favorite club, he didn’t want to take responsibility for today’s hangover. He rolled over on his side and saw that at the very least Minho had left out aspirin and water. If he’d been good last night, which in all honesty he couldn’t even be sure of with all that liquor in his system, he would also find some semblance of a breakfast waiting for him in the kitchen. Minho always got weirdly domestic after a good, thorough fucking.

Knowing he had to get to the library, Kibum reluctantly left the comfort of Minho’s warm bed and made his way to the restroom. After a long hot shower, he did stumble upon breakfast. He was glad because he couldn’t afford to buy coffee at Minho’s job, even with the employee discount.

Key was sure that he did not want to look at last night’s bill. Though he was frequently offered drinks, he never accepted them. Free drinks were never really free, with someone expecting something in return. Whether it was a turn on the dance floor or a flirtatious exchange, he wasn’t interested in owing anybody anything. He’d witnessed his fair share of nights gone wrong, especially when it came to delusional people who thought an accepted free drink was an invitation to a bedroom. Key wasn’t interested in those things, he was happy dancing with his friends or alone. While he tried his best to stay on friendly terms with all the people he met, he had no reason to flirt. As to an invitation to his bedroom, well they could have it; most, if not all, of his nights he shared Minho’s warmth in bed, and had little use of his room. Aside from the closet.

On his way to the library, Key checked his Instagram and found unfamiliar faces scattered amongst his friends and several hundred likes and comments. He shrugged it off and logged into his personal account, to which he only added real friends. Here he found funny pictures with more honest captions instead of the typical “fun night out” or “Having a great night with xxx”. His favorite picture was one of he and Taemin and their sour faces after a round of shots.

As soon as he arrived to his destination, Kibum sat at a reference computer and located all the books he would be needing for his project. If everything went well, he’d only have to spend a few hours here and his night would be free for cuddling on the couch. As his luck would have it, a majority of of the books he needed were clustered together. After fishing out all the books, Kibum quickly picked one of the secluded tables between the stacks as his home for the time being and got to work.

Unfortunately, in his haste to get to the library, he’d forgotten his headphones. Not wanting to disturb others by playing music from his laptop, he chose to work diligently in silence. It always led to distracting, completely unintentional eavesdropping. That was actually how he’d found out Min’s dance professor was hooking up with one of his students and how he became friends with Taemin. Much to his surprise, the library stayed quiet for a majority of his time slaving away over nutritional values and their history. When he finally finished the research portion of his project, he got up to but his books up and he finally heard some chatter.

“I’m pretty sure that Minho doesn’t date at all.” Kibum heard a quiet voice say. Key almost wanted to smile to himself, because of course he would overhear something like this.

“Jinri, if you like him then you’ve gotta go after him,” another voice suggested. Kibum was sure he’d heard that name before, Jinri.

“Well I asked Donghae sunbae, and he said that as far as he knew, Minho had never had a girlfriend.” Jinri commented. Now Donghae he knew. He was one of Minho’s many friends in the philanthropy group he was in, which also meant that he didn’t know much about real person Minho.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“No, that just makes me nervous. Think about it, Minho is kind, friendly, does philanthropy, plays soccer, and tutors at the Undergrad Services Center. He’s pretty much perfect. So what if the reason he doesn’t date is because no one is up to standard?” Jinri questioned.

Kibum thought about her reasoning and didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry. Unlike other girls who showed an interest in Minho, she hadn’t mentioned anything about how attractive he was or how good his body was. He didn’t want to be concerned, but it didn’t sound like her interest was superficial. The worst part is that she probably didn’t know that Minho also spent time during summer volunteering at an orphanage. Minho was indeed perfect. And then there was Kibum.

Sure, he donated clothes when he could and accompanied Minho to volunteer during summer, but that was it. He probably drank too much and didn’t recycle enough. Was he even fit for Minho? Perhaps the reason Minho was with him, whatever that meant because they never discussed it, was just out of habit. They had been sixteen when they began whatever it was they had. He’d never even asked Minho if he was into girls.

After putting his books up, Kibum shuffled home slowly and full of self doubt. He was usually confident especially when it came to Minho, he had to be, but today was just… one of those days. It wasn’t something he wanted to think about, but Jinri’s words rang in his head, and the thought invaded his head that Minho didn’t ever get a chance at a normal dating life because of him. He’d felt a little guilty at different times throughout the years, like when Minho was asked to prom by a million different people and he turned them all down, or when Minho’s parents suggested he find a nice girl to settle down with. Selfishly, Kibum was too busy wondering what his dick would feel like in Minho to stop and ask if what they had was something Minho really wanted. Of course he always asked for permission to try things, and Minho had always eagerly complied, but he never asked Minho’s reasons to go along with his whims and desires. Kibum knew from a young age that girls didn’t really do it for him and that he loved Minho, at least platonically.

He’d been friends with Minho for years before noting that the other boy didn’t seem to be interested in anyone either. It was supposed to be easy to figure things out with your best friend, Kibum had thought at sixteen. He’d never been with someone intimately, and who better to figure things out with than Minho? They had stolen moments and big imaginations. They hadn’t felt the need to include anyone else in what they were doing. None of their other friends knew what was happening behind closed doors, and they liked to keep it that way. It didn’t take long, however, for whatever they were doing to mean a little more to Kibum.

While the sex was good, and fun, he relished the time they spent huddled together watching a movie or just hanging out. Sometimes when they couldn’t get away or too many family members were home, Kibum was content to just talk to Minho or rest his head on his shoulder as they scrolled through funny sites together. All those things amounted to this incessant warmth that grew in Kibum’s chest, that would only intensify when Minho was around.

With those feelings came softer, unhurried kisses and fingers carding through hair. It was a strange development because Kibum was sure that neither best friends or fuck buddies were supposed to do that. They remained in this limbo, only adding to the affection with hand-holding and cuddling, especially after moving in together.

The only time Kibum remembered having discussed what they were was during their first year at university. Key, for some reason or other, had developed a reputation rather quickly based entirely on what other people assumed.

Key had come home tipsy and turned on by the idea that Minho was at home waiting for him. He’d woken Minho with kisses to his bare chest while he straddled his hips. Minho had reached out to caress his face even in his sleepy state, and croaked out “Bum, I’m tired. I’m sure someone else out there is willing.”

That had startled Kibum stiff. “Minho,” he called out, shaking the sleeping boy beneath him. “Minho!”

“What is it, baby?” Kibum almost laughed at the pet name. Of course Minho would call him baby not two seconds after suggesting he have sex with someone else.

“I don’t want to be with anyone else. I won’t.” Kibum whispered, hugging Minho tightly and getting comfortable. “Just you, okay?”

He hadn’t meant for it to sound like a plea for understanding, but Kibum was sure that’s what it came out as. Minho had nodded and hugged him close. Kibum’s confession hadn’t changed much between them, aside from reassure Kibum that there would never be anyone else.

Minho walked home in a weird mood. Even though green-cup-guy left half way through his shift, he couldn’t help but dwell on his stupidity. There were other things that should have occupied his mind, like what to order for dinner or whether he should get started on an essay that was due next week, everything was more important than that douchebag’s words but he still walked home in a funk. Hopefully, dinner and a movie with Kibum would lighten his spirits.

The apartment was quiet as he pushed the door open, but not dark. He saw that the lights were on in the kitchen and in Kibum’s room. He could see a sliver of light coming from below the door, which was strange. In the years they had been living together, Minho would scarcely find Kibum in his room. The other had stated that it was suffocating to do homework or watch TV in a room alone. His books and notes were frequently found on their office table or on the kitchen table.

“Maybe he’s still hungover,” Minho said to himself quietly as he pulled the take-out menus to decide on what to eat. Shrugging to himself, he took the ones that sounded appetizing and knocked on Kibum’s door. He didn’t get a reply but he opened the door anyway. There sat Kibum on his bed with his laptop, headphones blasting in his ears so loud that Minho could hear it. ‘Guess he doesn’t feel as bad as I thought.’ Waving his hand and the menus in front of the laptop definitely worked in getting his roommate’s attention.

“Oh, Minho, what’s up?” Kibum asked, pulling his headphones out.

“Why are you in here?” Minho asked, handing the papers over. “Pick a place so we can order, I’m starving.”

“I think Thai sounds good. Just order me some-“

“Pad Thai, I know.” Minho answered. It was obvious to him that Kibum wasn’t in the mood to talk, being in his room and ignoring the first question. Minho didn’t want to push it or make something of it, since his best friend got like this sometimes. He did hope it would pass soon because as much as he didn’t need reassurance about Key, it was always nice to cuddle. Minho went about their regular routine while Kibum remained in his room. He called in their order but the server suggested that he pick up the food instead of having it delivered because they were short tonight and it would mean a long wait. He didn’t mind, especially since the place was only a ten minute walk away. He guessed it would also give Kibum time to finish up whatever he was doing.

He wrote Kibum a quick note and made his way out the door. The only reason why they had this place deliver was because it normally took twenty or so minutes to deliver, the same time it would take them to go get the food. Minho and Kibum lived in student apartments that were near the edge of comps surrounded by a million and one restaurants.

Minho arrived and noticed that the place was significantly packed. That was good though, because Kibum loved this place and having a full house made it less likely to go out of business. He made his way over to the counter to pay for the food and waited idly for it to come out.

“Minho Sunbae?” he heard a voice call out behind him. He turned and found Jinri there, smiling up at him.

“Hey Jinri, how are you?” Minho asked. She was involved in some of the things he was in and always seemed to be around.

“I’m good, just picking up some food for a late night of studying. How are you? Are you having a good weekend?” she answered, smile never leaving her face. Minho chuckled softly at her enthusiasm, she was always in a good mood and it was refreshing.

“That’s cool, do you have exams this week? I’m doing awesome, ready to go home and eat and watch a movie. My weekends was pretty long, so I’m ready for a date with my couch.” Minho laughed and failed to notice Jinri flushing at his words.

“Speaking of dates,” Jinri began, before she was interrupted by Minho’s name being called.

“Hold on a second, Jin.” Minho smiled and went to go get his and Kibum’s food. He wondered for a moment if maybe Jinri liked someone in their philanthropy club and was going to ask for his help. ‘Maybe she’s into Hyunwoo?’ he thought before thanking the server for the food and making his way back to Jinri. “What were you saying Jin?”

Looking down at the girl’s face, he saw a flush creep onto her cheeks as she softly batter her eyelashes at him. ‘Oh shit’ Minho thought on repeat, this was not about Hyunwoo.

“Um, I know this is really forward of me,” she started, tucking some hair behind her ear, “but I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date. With me.” As she looked up to Minho, with wide and hopeful eyes, he honestly just wanted to hug her. She was a sweet girl and it was obviously difficult for her to do this (seeing as she kept toying with the end of her shirt). Minho was certainly touched by the gesture, especially since it had been a while since someone had asked him on a date.

“I’m sorry, Jin” he said, bringing his free hand to her shoulder. “I’m flattered that you asked, but I’m with someone.”

“Oh my God, Minho Sunbae!” She cried out, covering her face with her hands. “I’m so sorry! I asked Donghae sundae and he said that you didn’t have a girlfriend! I feel so ridiculous.”

Minho laughed slightly, hoping to make light of the situation. “Its a little complicated, and no one really knows,” he explained.

“Sunbae, are you just making someone up to let me down easy?” Jinri asked, with a good-natured smile on her face. Minho was glad that she was such a good sport and didn’t make the situation awkward. People like her were difficult to find.

“Yep, Jin, and I’m psychic so I also ordered enough food for two to throw you off my trail,” Minho joked, showing his food to her.

When they parted ways, Minho felt a little bit lighter. It was a weird, but not an altogether bad experience. He was certain that he and Jinri would be good friends, especially with how cool she was, and he sort of got to tell someone about him and Kibum. As vague as it had been, it had felt good to admit or confirm their relationship to someone that wasn’t in it. Maybe it was time to bring out that discussion with Kibum.

“Hey Bum, food’s here!” Minho called out loudly, hoping that Kibum didn’t have his headphones in anymore. It was a little weird that Kibum had remained in his room even after Minho had come home. Even though it was a weird day altogether, Minho didn’t want to let it deter him from talking to his sort-of boyfriend about their relationship. As far as he could tell, there were no reasons as to why they couldn’t discuss and cement their relationship. If they were honest with themselves, they would be able to acknowledge the fact that they had been exclusively together since their very first kiss, and that was almost five years ago.

“You took a bit longer than usual,” Kibum noted as he walked into the kitchen. Minho was taking utensils out of the drawer and getting drinks so he just shrugged and nodded.

“I ran into Jinri at the restaurant,” he stated, unsure of how to begin the conversation he had in mind. “I’m not sure if you remember who she is, she’s in the philanthropy club and tutoring with me.”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“Well, we got to talking and I kinda wanted to talk to you about something we discussed.” Minho said, not wanting to look up and meet Kibum’s eyes. He knew that if he saw any hesitation or reluctance in his best friend’s eyes, he’d be heartbroken. It was better to keep his gaze down and get everything out all at once. “Funnily enough, Jinri asked me out on a date-“

“Okay.” Kibum interrupted, taking his food from the counter and sitting down at their table.

“What?” Minho asked, taking his own food and sitting down across the table.

“Okay.” Kibum answered, shrugging.

“Kibum, what do you mean with ‘okay’?” Minho asked, looking at the other’s face but finding it tilted down, expression unreadable.

“I think you should go on a date with Jinri.” Kibum’s voice was even and devoid of emotion, that genuinely frightened Minho. Usually it was easy to read his friend, his tone of voice or facial expressions giving away his intentions, but right now there was just nothing.

“Is this some kind of joke?” He questioned, knowing that his voice was a lot less steady.

“Why would I joke about that?” The words stabbed into Minho and he felt himself go cold.

“I don’t know, because I can’t believe you’re actually being serious right now.” Minho wasn’t quite sure how to feel at this point. The conversation they were having was not how he pictured this. His mind was a little foggy with all the things running through it, all the accusations he wanted to make.

“I am being serious.” Kibum responded, his head still down, staring intently at his food. Minho was torn about what to do. His heart wanted him to stand up and to yell ‘What about you? Don’t you feel the same way I do? I don’t want to go on a date with her! I want to go on a date with you!’ but he couldn’t. Not when the most important person in his life looked burdened by the conversation.

“Can you cut the shit, Bum?” Minho asked, his voice laced with hope. While it was unlikely that things were going to go his way now, he at least wanted to know why in the hell this was Kibum’s reaction to Minho’s unfinished comment. Not getting a response, Minho spoke up again. “Will you at least look at me?”

Kibum shrugged, still not looking at Minho. He instead pulled open the container and held the chopsticks in his hand. “I think you should go. You’ve been following along with my ideas and shit since we were sixteen. I mean, you’ve never had any real dating experience; and Jinri seems like a nice girl.”

“So you think I should go on a date with her to see what its like?” Minho was more confused now, truly not knowing what this was about anymore. He’d thought that maybe this was Kibum’s way of suggesting that they see other people, but now he wasn’t so sure.

“Yes. I mean no.” Kibum shook his head. “Go on a date with her if you like her. You’re not tied down to me or anything.”

“I’m not tied down to you? What the fuck, Kim Kibum?” Minho asked incredulously. As angry as he knew he sounded, Minho was relieved. After knowing his best friend for years, he’s come to learn a few things. He knew that sometimes, erroneously, Kibum thought himself as a burden or an obstacle for the people that he cared about. His diction had a way of letting Minho know exactly what was on his mind. The fact that Kibum suggested that Minho wasn’t tied down to him was a bit of a relegation; he thought himself as an anchor. For some wild reason there was a part of Kibum that felt as if he was keeping Minho back from something, not letting him progress. Why exactly, Minho wasn’t too sure. With Kibum’s random bouts of self esteem, which his best friend tried diligently to diminish, it could be anything. Heterosexuality? Trying new things? He wasn’t certain, but at the very least, this didn’t feel like a rejection anymore.

“Shit, I don’t know Minho.” Kibum said finally, reminding Minho that this wasn’t just about himself. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

Minho smiled fondly now, wishing that Kibum would look at him instead of stabbing the noodles with a pout prominent on his lips. “Well I’d wish you’d let me finish talking, or complete a thought, before you go sticking your foot into your mouth.” Instead of answering, Kibum huffed and finally looked up. He looked a bit surprised at Minho’s smiling face, but made no move to talk.

“I don’t want to go on a date with Jinri.” Minho said, tone completely different than just a minute before. It was soft, almost indulgent. “I turned her down and I let her know that it was because I was already seeing someone.” With those words, Minho too Kibum’s idle hand in his.

“Oh.” Kibum responded dumbly. He wasn’t sure where Minho was going with this, but the burning jealousy and sorrow in his chest was fading quickly.

“What I was getting at, before you rudely interrupted me with your stupidity, was that maybe, if you wanted to, we could…” Minho trailed off as if he was searching for the appropriate word to accurately describe what he wanted.

“Be together?” Key suggested, somehow knowing the word was wrong.

“I’m pretty sure we’ve been together for the last five years, so no,” Minho answered, laughing softly. He shrugged, “Be official, I guess?”

It was near impossible for Kibum to suppress the smile that stretched across his face. Part of the reason he hadn't brought up the idea of being official himself was because it had been Minho who suggested he be with other people. From that day on, Kibum tried his best to keep his feelings, and hope, under wraps thinking that Minho didn’t feel the same way about him. It was difficult, what with all the cuddling and fucking around, because he wanted to make Minho feel like what they had was special while still not putting pressure on him. Overhearing Jinri today had just made him release all his pent up doubt about their relationship, which clearly was misplaced.

“Are you sure, Minho?” Kibum asked. “I’ve been in love with you since we were fifteen, but you did suggest that I sleep with other people.”

“You’re in love with me?”

Kibum let his head drop onto the table, more harshly than he had intended, right next to his Pad Thai. He hadn't meant to say that, well he wasn’t sure what he’d meant to say but it certainly wasn’t that. And now, it was out there, in the world, and there was nothing he could do to suck it out of the air and out of Minho’s brain. “You said I should sleep with other people, two years ago you said that.”

“I didn’t mean it.” Minho said quickly. “You’re in love with me?”

“Ugh” Kibum grunted, wanting to smash his head against the table repeatedly. “I’m not going to say it again, if that’s what you’re after.”

“Why not?” Minho asked, but Kibum didn’t lift his head. He heard Minho’s chair groan as it was pushed back, then after a moment, Kibum was being pulled out of his chair and into Minho’s embrace. “I’m so in love with you.”

Kibum gasped, not knowing how to respond. After an afternoon of sulking, he had deluded himself into thinking that he and Minho shouldn’t be together. He convinced himself that Minho was only around due to habit. He told himself that Minho should move on to bigger and better things because there was no way that Kibum deserved the … goodness that was Minho. Hearing Minho proclaim that he was in love with him, that his feelings were reciprocated, left Kibum speechless.

“I love you and I can say it all the times you want.” Minho said cheekily, smile bright.

Kibum stared into Minho’s eyes that were shimmering with mischief and humor and love. He’d been an idiot not to recognize it in his gaze before, because it was there for all the world to see. And Kibum quite liked the idea of the whole world bearing witness to the love between them.

Still unable to form words, particularly afraid of the incoherence that would spill out, Kibum resorted to expressing his satisfaction, his happiness, at those words with actions. He brought his hand to Minho’s cheek, thumb softly caressing the skin there, and slightly tilted Minho’s head down (He knew how to get the perfect angle after years of practice). He pressed a chaste but hard kiss onto Minho’s lips, claiming them as his own.

Several pecks followed in between beaming smiles. “I love you, Minho.” Kibum said with conviction. “So much.”

“Good, now don’t ever suggest that I go on a date with someone else.” Minho replied, pulling away and sitting down in front of his food again.

“I won’t.” Kibum assured, looking down at the mess he had made of his noodles with all his moody stabbing. He took a big bite of the Pad Thai, smiling at Minho with a full mouth.

“That’s disgusting, and a horrible habit for my boyfriend to have.” Minho commented, smirking. “You should stop. Also, can I introduce you to my friends now? Are we gonna tell our parents?”

Minho continued questioning and prodding while Kibum attempted to keep from choking. “Whatever you want, baby.” Kibum spit out, earning him a smile.

“I like the sound of that.”


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