50/50 Challenge

Feb 15, 2012 11:38

When we last saw our heroine, she was working her way through Shadow Unit, Season 2.
After doing a small touch of research in the forums, it looks like according to the official Hugo cutoffs for word count, the combined 9 episodes add up to roughly 6 novels. So yay, since I have just finished Season 2 and am about to embark on Season 3 I am less behind than I thought in the book category. In the meantime, I'm also back to working my way through _Angelology_, which lost some momentum due to a complete shift in timeframe and characters. The break just gave me a much too convenient stopping point in the middle of the book. I also just picked up _The Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks_, which is fascinating thus far.

What with parties and vacations and such, we haven't watched a lot of movies, unless last night's 2 hour Frontline on violence interrupters in Chicago counts. (It doesn't seem like much of a stretch to call it a documentary.) I attempted _Grey Gardens_, but was completely not in the mood to be anything other than bored and irritated by eccentrics behaving weirdly, no matter who they are related to, so I gave up after about 15 minutes, so it obviously doesn't count.

50/50 challenge

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