5 questions meme

Sep 15, 2011 12:13

From ladybirdkiller

1) If you had to choose to only knit, spin or weave which would you

That one's interesting because I think of myself as a weaver, but if you actually made me choose, I'd take knitting, almost entirely because it's so much more portable, which makes it much more sociable and easier to take along as a time filler. Even at the weaver's guild meetings, 75% of the people there are usually knitting.

2) What's the best part of being Baroness?

It's a cliche, but recognizing people. For example, I sent in an award rec before WW that ended up in TRM's spam filter, and they found it a matter of days before the recipient was going to move out of town. But it happened to be folk moot that week, so I got TRM to sign a blank book, did the calligraphy myself and was able to persuade his roommate to get him to come "to say good bye", and was able to give it to him in a regency court within hours of his departure. And because the scroll in this case was a book it's currently circulating so that people can sign it too, and we'll send it to him when people have all had a chance to sign it. That was very cool.

3) Do you have any grand plans for after you step down?

Right now, I think the biggest thing is that we're threatening to take a vacation to Europe. We could probably manage it now if we really tried, but it'd be challenging with the other demands on our vacation time. I'd like to look for a bigger house and do some time-intensive work on the current one. I'm looking forward to having the option to do something like go to Convergence (the weaving conference) whether or not it conflicts with WW. I suspect I'll also end up doing somewhat further-flung in-kingdom travel, because not being needed at all the local events will make it easier to find time for things like Quest for Camelot.

4) Is there one knitting technique you have to look up every time you do it? (Mine's short rows, I can never remember the slip-wrap thing.)

I usually have to look up how to start Kitchner stitch. And I have never gotten the hang of jog-less jogs, with or without instructions, but I don't knit a lot of things with stripes. It should be easy, but never quite works right.

5) Favorite yarn?

You want me to choose just one? That's a tough one. :-) Right now, probably my "money yarn", which is some of my handspun. 1 ply is a sage green wool I dyed at Sorcha's dye day last year, 1 is a black something, probably acrylic, with loops of metallic gold, and the third is from a batt I picked up at this year's Shepherd's harvest - two shades of green that match the colors in money and little bits of shredded dollar bills. I should post pictures some time. It's glittery but less gaudy than you might think. I should also actually make something out of it. caoilfhionn suggestion is logical - a money bag. :-) I just have to decide what that looks like.

I'm very fond of Jaggerspun's Zephyr for weaving, and lately I like tencel. For knitting, I usually fall in love with patterns first, but lately I seem to do a lot of mistake stitch (2/2 twill on an odd number of stitches) scarves in lace yarn on big needles (~7s), so interestingly hand dyed lace yarns are appealing. On the other hand, that pattern has also come out really well with handspun. And of course Noro is lots of fun for colorwork. I usually go for Silk Garden. I have a definite weakness for sock yarns. I especially like patterns where you've got one strand of a solid color and a second one of a wild painted one that's doing most of the work - spectacular results with lots less fuss than changing yarn every row. Which reminds me that I want to get back to the Tree of Life socks, and finish the mitts I promised myself I'd finish before I moved on to the Hwaet! socks...

Anyone else want to play? Leave a comment and I'll send you 5 questions.

meme sheep, question game

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