Title: 12 Days of Christmas
Author: Sarahyyy
Pairing: Fred/Hermione
Genre: Humour/Romance
--First day of Christmas--
Hermione Granger woke up to the irritating sound of birds chirping. Technically, it was only one bird. One bird and a pear tree. The bird was making a lot of noise. It didn’t really like to be chained onto a tree in her bedroom. Actually, it is Ginny’s bedroom, but what difference does it make?
What is that?
A pear tree with a bird on top of it, of course!
But, what is it doing here?
I have not a clue...
What am I going to do about this?
Umm... Tell Mrs. Weasley that her house is invaded by birds?
And freak her out? No, I’ll set the bird free...
Wait! Remember the Christmas song? A partridge in a pear tree...
Whoever who had chained the bird in Ginny’s room made Hermione very happy except for the fact that she was itching to know who sent her the gift. Besides, how often do you wake up to find a partridge ion a pear tree on the first day of Christmas?
The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully.
--Second day of Christmas--
The next day, Hermione woke up to the sound of wings flapping around her. Her eyelids fluttered open slowly to find two dove. They weren’t making as much noise as the partridge but enough to wake her up from her sleep.
They were, Hermione noticed, turtledoves. But who would go to the trouble to send her a partridge in a pear tree and two turtledoves for Christmas?
See, I told you. On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, two turtledoves and a partridge in a pear tree.
My true love?Stop kidding me!
It could be Ron you know. He likes you.
I don’t like Ron in that way...
You may not like him but I'm sure he likes you.
Hermione shut the voice in her head when she saw Harry standing by the door looking at her in confusion. Hermione smiled at him and proceeded to let the doves out from the window.
The rest of the day passed uneventfully too, except that the Christmas dinner that Mrs. Weasley made for everyone was finished by Ron alone.
--Third day of Christmas--
The next day, Hermione woke up to the sound of hens -thankfully not laying eggs- clucking. They weren’t French hens of course, but they were hens all the same. Ginny was so annoyed at the noise that she took her pillows and went to bunk in with Charlie.
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, three French hens, two turtledoves and a partridge in a pear tree.
Who sent this?
Somebody. And I personally think that it’s going to last for twelve whole days, until the song ends.
I have no idea whether I should be happy or not...
--Fourth and fifth day of Christmas--
The fourth day, Hermione woke up to set the four calling birds free. The suspense was just killing her.
On the fifth day, Hermione woke up to five rings hovering in the air. They all had a word engraved onto them. The first ring said ‘Hermione’, the second was ‘Granger’, the third was ‘I’, the fourth was ‘love’ the last was ‘you’. Hermione was shocked and surprised. Somebody loved her!
"Aww! Hermione, look at that! It's sooooooo sweet!" Ginny cooed.
Hermione nodded, still in shock. Somebody loved her!
I still think its Ron, you know. He is the only guy I can think of!
Maybe... But Ron isn’t that romantic.
Never judge a book by its cover. And besides, who knows, he could have had some help.
But still you know Ron would never do such a thing! And he obviously can't keep any emotion off his face! If anything was wrong, I would have known!
She was too engrossed in her inner debate to hear Ginny mumbling "I'm never thought he had it in him..." under her breath.
--Sixth day of Christmas--
The six geese a-laying were very disturbing. They each popped out a new egg -a golden egg, mind you- every five minutes and Ginny was almost dying of laughter and was rolling on the floor.
"Hermione, whoever it is, you've got to hand it to him. These," Ginny gestured to the geese, now laying their golden eggs again, "are priceless."
Hermione only smiled at her calmly.
--Seventh day of Christmas--
The seventh day was the most ridiculous of all. Her/Ginny’s room was waterproofed and was filled with water. Hermione did a double take when she saw seven golden swans swimming in the middle of the room. It was very beautiful in her opinion.
But not Harry's.
"Good morning Her-- In the name of Merlin's stinking Tuesday socks! What happened in here?" Harry exclaimed as he came into Ginny's room.
Hermione shrugged helplessly; Ginny was still controling her laughter.
She let the swans out with Ginny and Harry’s help. She was still debating whether it was Ron who did all these romantic -albeit hilariously amusing- stuff.
It’s Ron.
Maybe not.
You’ll never know...
I have a feeling it’s not him...
Then who is it?
I don’t know!
--Eighth day of Christmas--
The eighth day was when Hermione figured out that it was a conspiracy between everyone except her. She woke up to the sound of gigglings that sounded suspiciously like Lavender and Parvati. Well, it was...
Ginny, Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Cho, Mrs. Weasley, Luna and Fleur milking a cow! And my, was it a funny sight!
“Ginny, who is it that’s been doing all this?” Hermione asked pouting.
“If you think I’m going to tell you, you are so wrong.” Ginny winked at her mischievously.
“It’s one of the Weasley brothers.” Lavender hinted.
Ha! I told you! I knew it!
Hey, there are still Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George you know...
Doesn’t seem really possible...
Nothing is impossible!
--Ninth day of Christmas--
Hermione woke up to classical music playing. Fluttering her eyes open, she saw Ginny, Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Cho, Mrs. Weasley, Alicia, Luna and Fleur dancing to the music.
It was so funny that Hermione was practically crying. Fleur kept tripping over Lavender and Mrs. Weasley didn’t seem so happy to be doing this.
"Hermy, you should be really happy. He obviously likes you a lot to be asking us to do this." Lavender chriped as Hermione was still taking in deep breaths.
"Who is it?" Hermione asked.
Lavender shook her head with a secretive smile and went on dancing.
Whoever who did this kept Hermione very, very happy for the whole day.
--Tenth day of Christmas--
Hermione woke up extra early today to witness this very funny incident. Ron, Harry, George, Charlie, Bill, Percy, Lee Jordan, Dean, Seamus and last but not least, Mr. Weasley were all dress in funny looking costumes and leaping all around the room.
Hermione could hardly contain her laughter.
Where’s Fred?
You know, he could possibly be behind it...
Fred? I don’t think so...
Anything is possible as I quote from you.
We'll see.
--Eleventh day of Christmas--
Loud piping sound was all that could be heard in The Burrow. It was the eleventh day of Christmas which meant it was time for eleven pipers piping.
Instead of people, today it was figurines that were charmed into piping. It looked funny and sounded like the charm had gone wrong.
Tomorrow, you’ll be able to find out who did all these for you. Are you excited?
Of course I am!
Don’t worry. We will be able to find out tomorrow...
Hopefully we will.
--Twelfth day of Christmas--
Today, the sound of drumming woke Hermione up. Apparently, the figurines were charmed to only play in Ginny’s room. There was a note written in neat cursive too.
Meet me outside The Burrow, beside the lake.
That was all it said. Hermione wondered who it could be. It couldn’t be Ron or Harry because their writings were never so neat.
Hermione dressed up quickly and walked to the lake to see a familiar redhead.
“George? Fred?” Hermione asked. She already had an inkling to who it was as soon as she was his frame. But well, they were twins... Hermione had to make sure, didn't she?
“Actually, I’m Fred. The cuter and smarter twin.” He grinned cheekily at Hermione.
I told you it was Fred!
Hermione shut the little voice in her head, trying to focus on Fred.
“Why did you do all these?” Hermione asked.
“Well, I...umm...wanted to...umm...ask you out actually. I was scared that you...er...would think it as a joke and...umm...hex me or something...” Fred suddenly found his shoes very interesting.
“You could have just asked, you know. Why go through all the trouble?”
“Well, it’s a little too late for this lecture, right?” He grinned at her again. Hermione found herself melting just because of that.
“So, are you going to ask, or are you going to continue standing out here?”
“Hermione, will you go out with me?” Hermione pretended to consider his offer.
“Sure. I’d love to.” Then, Fred closed the gap between them and kissed her on the lips.
“Merry Christmas, Hermione.”
Written for Kristen. This is my first shot at Fred/Hermione, so please, go easy on me! I would love it if you comment!