This show continues to be awesome and continues to give me all the feels forever.
Sheriff Stilinski and his angst. DDDDD:
Erica with her whimper and sad eyes and Stiles telling Gerard he could probably take him down.
Melissa being awesome.
Stiles getting all emotional and hugging his dad was one of the best scenes of the episode, I swear. Actually, wait, all their scenes were perfect. Papa Stilinski telling Stiles he's a hero will never not make me feel like crying all the tears. I had all the feels.
Isaac is the adorablest with his, "Why do you get a shirt and I get a shoe?" I just want to pile him with all the cuddles.
Peter is now one of my favourites, screw the psycho-uncle thingy. He's sassy and funny and would I tap that? HECK YES I WOULD.
Lydia! And Stiles/Lydia! DDDDDD: I still can't process Stiles' sad face when Lydia was talking about Jackson.
Grandpa Gerard is a complete whackjob. Allison was going all cray cray until the end too. I'm glad she's back to being semi normal-ish now.
SCOTT OMG SCOTT HAS A PLAN! 8DDDD Potato, he is no longer. XD
JACKSON. omg I died a little inside when I thought he died. Also, was I the only one who thought that he was going to turn into a phoenix? XD Because the lighting from the jeep and the fog just sort of reminded me of a phoenix. XD
Stiles', "He scratched my jeep." ♥ OH BB LET ME HUG YOU FOREVER.
Also. What is with Dr. Deaton? Theories?
There is an Alpha Pack! I'm personally just glad that we're probably going to see more of Peter next season.
N'awwwww the end bit with Scott and Stiles just being BFFs was really great to see. ♥
All you lovely peeps not watching TW yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!
Cast is perfect.
All the feels forever.
Show actually has plotty plots.
Did I mention gorgeous-est cast ever? Because this is really important.