Title: Your Love is Cold (Ice Cream Cold)
sarahyyy Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Word Count: 500+
Summary: "There’s this guy. He owns an ice cream parlour and is the most gorgeous thing ever. We’re having our first date tonight."
Disclaimer: Do not own. =(
A/N: If I keep writing snippets for the Ice Cream Parlour AU I Will Never Finish (ICPAIWNF), maybe one day I'll be able to make an epic out of it.
A/N 2: Oh hey, look, I've turned it into a drabble series. #whatamidoing
Arthur is already armed with his trusty metal ice cream scoop when the bell on the front door jingles. Eames always comes at three o’clock in the afternoon, when Arthur’s ice cream parlour is quiet.
Eames is wearing a huge grin when he walks into the shop.
“What will it be today, Mr. Eames?” Arthur asks, smothering his own smile and clearing his throat.
“‘THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY’,” Eames says happily. “Actually, give me a double scoop. I think ‘SO HAPPY I CAN SHIT RAINBOWS’ is pretty apt too,” he adds as an afterthought.
A small smile plays on Arthur’s lips. “Good day, then?”
“Not yet, it isn’t,” Eames tells him, “but it’s going to be magnificent. I can feel it in my bones.”
Arthur scoops two generous mounds of Eames’ choice of ice creams into a cup before passing it to Eames. “Hot date?”
“I dearly hope so.” He lowers his voice into a conspiratorial whisper before he continues, “There’s this guy. He owns an ice cream parlour and is the most gorgeous thing ever. We’re having our first date tonight.”
At that point, Arthur pretty much stops trying to hide his own grin. “Said ice cream parlour owner probably doesn’t return your fancy,” he teases, “He’ll probably bail on you tonight in favour of ice cream.”
“I would hunt the seven seas for him if he doesn’t show up today,” Eames says seriously. Then, “But I’m pretty sure he’ll turn up.”
“You see, this ice cream parlour owner, he must have feelings for me. If not, he wouldn’t have let me suck him off in his storeroom where he keeps all the ice cream cones. He follows health violations very strictly,” Eames says with a wink.
Arthur rolls his eyes but still flushes up anyway. “He was using you for your mouth, obviously.”
Eames leans across the counter, face close to Arthurs. “Too bad for him, then,” he whispers and presses a quick kiss to the corner of Arthur’s lips, “because he’s pretty much stuck with me now.”
“Eat your ice cream, Mr. Eames,” Arthur says, shaking his head in fond exasperation.
Eames laughs at the abrupt change of topic and dutifully moves to a table near the counter, plops down and eats his ice cream. Arthur watches him from the corner of his eyes, busying himself by stocking up the ice cream cones, still smiling softly.
“You won’t, though, will you, darling?” Eames calls out awhile later.
Arthur looks at him and registers that Eames is looking nervous. “Won’t what?” he asks with a frown.
“Bail on me tonight?”
Arthur stares at Eames, incredulous. “Are you serious?”
Eames nods. “I hope you won’t,” he says quickly. “Because I would, you know, try to hunt your apartment down and never let you out of my sight again. Or just sit on the pavement outside the restaurant and wait for you forever. Don’t bail on me, darling.”
Arthur doesn’t say anything, just picks up his metal scoop, scoops more ice cream into a cup and brings it to Eames.
“‘YOU ARE AN IDIOT’,” he says and presses his lips to Eames.
And then Eames is all: