Reposting from
hondagirll's Next Gen Comment Ficathon. =) I haven't written shit in ages.
Title: Stop and Stare
sarahyyy Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Scorpius, Draco
Word Count: 352
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
A/N: For the prompt "Daddy, what's that scar on your arm?".
Scorpius is five when he first notices the slight ridge of a faded scar on his father’s arm.
He is busy staring, trying to make out a shape of the scar, when he notices that his father isn’t looking at him any more, eyes downcast, the slump of his shoulders low.
Scorpius wants to ask, already has the words at the tip of his tongue, but he doesn’t.
Scorpius is seven, older and bubbling with curiosity, and his question still stands.
He knows there are things his father doesn’t like to talk about, knows there are things that can make his grandmother cry if he mentions them, so he doesn’t talk about it.
But his question still stands.
Scorpius is ten and by now, he no longer relies on people to answer his questions.
The Malfoy Manor libraries are large and the books in them are extensive. Scorpius spends weeks combing through shelves of books and comes up with nothing.
He stares at one empty column on a dusty bookshelf hidden at the very back of the library and thinks to himself, it was here.
Scorpius is eleven and on Platform 9¾, waiting to board the Hogwarts Express.
Idly, his eyes fly down to his father’s arm, to where he knows the scar is. He still stares and he still wonders and he knows the first place he’ll go to when he reaches Hogwarts would be the library to get some answers.
He looks up, cheeks warm with embarrassment at being caught staring. It hasn’t happened since he was seven.
“The scar…” his father says and his voice is slow and pained, like the words are being forced out.
Scorpius has one second to panic, has one second to ask himself if this is a secret worth knowing, has one second to wonder why it’s important for him to know what the scar is, has one second to wonder if maybe, just maybe, he’s always known what it was all about.
He lunges at his father and draws him in a hug.
He doesn’t need to know.