Title: When It Snows, Ain't It Thrilling?
sarahyyy Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: Scorpius/Rose
Word Count: 306
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
A/N: For
xxx_angelin_xxx who prompted me to write a Scorpius/Rose based on "Make us all a favour, admit that defeat!" over at the
Drabble Prompt Post.
In the one brief, perfect moment before about a dozen snowballs fly into his face, Scorpius doesn’t even bother to duck and instead just sulks at the unfairness of the whole situation.
The snowballs hit him then and Scorpius falls back at the impact. He scowls and brushes the snow away from his face. This whole thing was a conspiracy to murder him, he was sure of that. He should have known better than to agree to this snowball fight.
“Make us all a favour, Malfoy, admit that defeat already,” someone shouts at him.
Scorpius takes a quick look at his opponents and snorts a laugh because they all look the freaking same to him -red hair, same sweaters- and he has no idea who to maim first.
“Really, Malfoy, you can’t win,” someone says and aha, Scorpius pinpoints the voice to the black hair and yes, now he has a target and Potter was going down.
With a roar that others will soon come to recognize as a war cry, Scorpius jumps up, snowball in hand, and lungs at Albus.
When the boys stagger back into the Burrow, they are all freezing.
“What happened to you?” Rose screeches and moves to Scorpius. “Are those twigs in your hair?”
Hugo grins at Rose. “Snowball fight,” he answers when Scorpius does nothing but scowls, “Your man fought bravely.”
“I’m guessing by the gleeful look on your face,” Rose starts dryly, rolling her eyes at Hugo, “that you won.”
Scorpius gives Rose a pointed look. “It was a Weasley versus Others game,” he informs her, “And Albus was classified as a Weasley. So technically speaking, it was an Everyone Else versus me game.”
Rose laughs and presses a kiss to the corner of Scorpius’ mouth. “Given the circumstances, I think we can count you as the winner.”