6 Gen Drabbles

Sep 16, 2010 21:04

Title: Whatever It Takes
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: PG 
Character/Pairing: Harry (Gen)
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For rhea_silverkeys whose prompt was 'Heroes are supposed to keep their hands clean. But that wasn't going to win this war.'

Heroes are supposed to keep their hands clean.

But that isn't going to win this war.

No one really understands what he has to face. He can’t fight a man who has seven lives; he cannot fight a man who is not mortal. He tries, Merlin, yes, he tries and he tries and for everyone’s sake he never gives up. He never even thinks about giving up. But this war is making him tired, stripping him of his strength, taking away people who loved him.

He is not giving up, no, he isn’t. He just wants it to be a fair fight. He’s spent so many years defeating Voldemort time and time again only to find that he just simply doesn’t die. And yes, they can spend weeks, months, years even roaming the world, searching for the Horcruxes, destroying it however they can and hope that he can win the war in the end, Dumbledore’s way.

But Dumbledore was wrong.

He doesn’t need love to win this war. He needs balance to be able to defeat evil.

If Voldemort has seven Horcruxes, so shall he.

This shall be a fair fight. And it shall be a fight he can win.

Title: Let Go
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: G 
Character/Pairing: George, Percy (Gen) 
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For catbirdfish whose prompt was 'after the war, Percy and George work towards repairing their relationship and coping with grief'.

George sits on Fred’s bed, laughing bitterly through tears as he talks to his deceased twin, telling him about the changes that everyone is going through, two weeks after the Final Battle.

“Perce’s better now. I don’t talk to him much. I want to,” George mumbles, “but…” he trails off.

A part of him still blames Fred’s death on Percy. If Percy hadn’t shown up and if Fred hadn’t been momentarily distracted…maybe he’d still be here, maybe they’d be laughing over Voldemort’s destruction together.

He knows deep down that it isn’t Percy’s fault, though. He knows that Percy was just as distraught over Fred’s death as he was. He knows that Percy understands what it’s like to see Fred fall right in front of them and he knows it’s not Percy’s fault, he just doesn’t understand why Fred has to be the one.

There is a knock on the door and George looks up to see him. Speak of the devil.

“Are you…?” he motioned to Fred’s bed, out of words, “Can I join you?”

George’s lips tip up in a small smile.

Not his fault.

“Yeah, I would like that.” Fred would like that.

It’s time to let go.

Title: It's a Jungle out Here
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Fred, George, Harry (Gen)
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For roses_at_sunset whose prompt was 'Sunday lunch at the Burrow'.

The first time Harry comes round to the Burrow for Sunday lunch, he is surprised at their loudness.

“If you want to fill your stomach,” Fred whispers to him conspiringly, before George finishes, “You’ve got to be loud.”

“It’s a very competitive event, lunch is,” Fred continues his lecture.

George nods. “Always take the seat the furthest away from Ron; you’ve got to listen to this one.”

Fred nods vehemently. “If you somehow happen to sit next to him, though I pray to Merlin you’ll never have to go through that, it’s a game of the survival of the fittest.

“There is only one dish of meatloaf, mum’s signature dish - tastes like a small piece of heaven, if you ask me. And if you don’t claim it once it’s served…” he trails off, looking grave.

“Don’t bother going after the salad, though,” Fred continues to impart his self-coined Rules to Survive Weasley Brunch, “It’s pointless because at the end of the day-”

“-they’re all that is left,” George finishes with a wink.

“Of course,” Fred murmurs, gesturing to Harry’s full plate, “You get the special treatment now. But once you’re officially a part of us…”

“It’s a jungle out here.”

Title: Fine
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: James, Sirius (Gen)
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For museme87 whose prompt was 'parenthood'.

“I’m not ready to be a father!” James exclaims, running his fingers through his hair nervously even as he paces in front of Sirius.

Sirius rolls his eyes and flips a page of the magazine he is currently browsing through lazily. “That’s not what you said two weeks ago.”

“How was I supposed to know that she’d actually have a baby?” James cries. “That woman will be the death of me someday, I swear to Merlin.”

“You’re going to be fine, Prongs,” Sirius replies, shaking his head at his best friend’s antics.

“I can’t be fine!” James throws his hands up in the air. “I have to be freaking spectacular! What if I am fine and Bartholomew turns out to be just fine?”

Sirius’ head snaps up at this. “You are naming the kid Bartholomew?” he asks, incredulous, “Did Lily actually agree to this?”

James rolls his eyes. “Don’t be daft, Padfoot, I was just trying to see if you’re listening to me. Did you really think I’d name my kid Bartholomew Potter?”

Sirius shrugs. “It’ll make him spectacular, for one,” he comments lightly but James’ eyes light up.

“This is going to be fun,” Sirius murmurs with a grin.

Title: The Slytherin way
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Draco, Blaise, Theodore (Gen)
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For royalty25 whose prompt was 'the man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on'.

Theo, Blaise and Draco all stood ramrod straight, eyebrows drawn together in deep thought, as they surveyed damages in the currently empty Transfiguration classroom.

“This can’t be good,” Theo muttered with a heavy sigh.

Blaise snorted, the frown that he was sporting cutting deep against his features. “It’s not good at all.”

“McGonagall’s going to give us detention for the rest of the year. She’s going to make us scrub her floors without magic, clean the windows and probably polish her shoes.” Theo sighed again.

Blaise ignored Theo’s melodrama. “She is also going to revoke out Hogsmeade privileges and take off so many points from Slytherin that we have negative points.” He sighed.

Only Draco remained silent as the wheels in his head spun. “Relax,” he murmured, a smile slowly creeping onto his face, “I have just the person to blame everything on.”

Blaise arched an eyebrow silently.

“No one knows we’re here. As far as anyone knows, this afternoon, we were never here. You know who was and made a huge fuss out of it?” he smirked.

Theo’s lips tipped up into a satisfied smirk. “Longbottom.”

The three Slytherins then left the classroom, identical smirks etched on their faces.

Title: I Plead the Fifth
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: The Marauders (Gen) with mentions of budding James/Lily
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For eprime whose prompt was 'knickers'.

Sirius sat down on his bed while his friends tried to stare him down. “I plead the seventh,” he muttered, glaring at James. The damning piece of evidence, black lace knickers, sat beside him.

“The fifth,” Remus corrected gently before addressing the other two’s questioning gaze, “It essentially means he won’t talk because it will jeopardize his neutral state now.”

“Neutral, my arse,” James growled before turning to Peter, “Does he look neutral to you?”

“Uh,” Peter looked confused for a moment, “No?”

“Damn right he does not. He’s smirking!”

Remus shook his head, somewhat amused. “Just tell him, Sirius, if not he’s just going to continue being an annoying arse the whole night.”

Sirius shook his head and crossed his legs leisurely. “Not a chance in hell. Not even for you, Moony.”

“Padfoot,” James muttered dangerously, “I don’t want to have to torture you, friends as we are.”

Sirius just looked levelly back. “I’d like to see you try.”

“Moony, Wormtail,” James ordered, squaring his shoulders, “Let’s pluck vain ol’ Sirius’ eyebrows off!”

Sirius let out a decidedly unmanly squeak before scowling, “Lily’s knickers was supposed to be your birthday present. Way to go, now you’ve ruined the surprise.”

character: sirius black, character: percy weasley, character: draco malfoy, fandom: harry potter, character: blaise zabini, drabble, character: harry potter, character: theodore nott, character: george weasley, character: the marauders, character: fred weasley, character: james potter

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