Title: The Game of Exes
sarahyyy Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Scorpius/Rose
Word Count: 385
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
janefire prompted me to write Scorpius and Rose as exes. =D
It was a matter of no importance. He could deal with them maturely, like the civilized adult he was. He took a deep breath, tightened his hold on his date’s waist and plastered a smile on his face.
“Rose,” he greeted curtly.
“Scorpius,” she murmured back just as icily.
He turned to her escort -honestly, of all people!-, every bit of his disdain shown clearly on his face, and drawled, “Wood.”
In turn, she turned to his date to smile sweetly. “Zabini.”
“Robin and I have been dating for two weeks now,” she informed him snottily.
“So have Portia and I, it would seem,” he told her before turning to Portia and smiling, “Haven’t we, sweetheart?”
Portia just gave him a look. He ignored the witch in favour of watching Rose from the corner of his eye, satisfied when he saw Rose suppress a shiver.
“Robin and I are going on a world tour together this weekend, aren’t we?”
He watched, disgusted, as the lovesick man nodded his consent.
“My parents love Portia,” he announced, breaking their exchange of passionate eye-sex.
“My parents love Robin too, more than they love me, actually.” She laughed and he clenched his fist.
He picked on the only thing she had never been able to do. “Portia rides horses.”
“I’d rather ride Robin,” she shot back crudely, shoulders squared.
He drew back as if burnt. “I’m so glad we broke up,” he hissed, “A proper lady never speaks as such in public.”
Rose arched an eyebrow. “And I suppose your sweetheart Portia is a right and proper lady, is she not?”
Portia threw her hands up in the air. “This is ridiculous!” she exclaimed before turning to Scorpius, “You’re being ridiculous!”
“Hey!” Rose interjected, fiercely protective, “Only I can speak to him like that!”
Scorpius rolled his eyes. “This is so typical of you. You can talk dirty to your new boyfriend but Merlin forbid my girlfriend call me ridiculous?”
She glared at him. “I was trying to defend you,” she hissed, enunciating each word with a jab at his chest.
He glared back at her hotly. “Maybe I don’t need your help.”
“Fine!” she snarled before stalking away from him with Wood in tow.
Scorpius glared in their directions. Rose Weasley was impossible to deal with.