I’m attaching a gigantic Google-crafted panoramic photo from last week. The weather is still really lovely fall weather - getting a bit more gray and most of the leaves are on the ground, but the temperatures are consistently around 50 during the day.
I’m nearly done with week 3 of Zombies, Run! 5k. I’m still really enjoying the app, enough that I ran through the discomfort of achilles tendinitis today. I’ve done a bit of web surfing and found that perhaps the culprit is that I’m reaching too much in my stride. I shortened my stride during the workout today and it DID seem to help. That said, I iced it when I was done today and plan to spend the next two days doing nothing more than stretching and walking.
Work has been interesting, but the challenge I encounter is trying to explain what I do. For example, to describe what I’ve found frustrating in the last two weeks would require so much backstory of not just WHAT we do but HOW we do it so as to render the point moot. The part that’s easy to explain is that I had some staff behave unprofessionally at a company training. People are idiots. My boss is a bit of a tough talker (you should write them up!) but I’m inclined to have a solo conversation with the individuals and point out the feedback that their colleagues have given me. After all, I’M not the one they embarrassed.
I’ve reverted to using a bullet journal for work. One- not full entries but enough to keep me on track with which events have taken place on which days. I found it very useful for tracking projects in my last job and November is looking to be a crazy month, so I’m hoping it will continue to pay off. I’m also liking having a specific repository for work b.s. as my goal is to talk about it less.
In unrelated news, I spent ALL WEEKEND finishing the All Souls Trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life) and I LOVED THEM. I read the first book 2 years ago and put it on my GoodReads ‘Recommend to Everyone’ shelf. I’ve done the same with the last two books because it’s an incredibly well done trilogy, consistently entertaining and engaging. Something for a bit of everyone - historical fic (time-travel related), alternate universe, romance, action and elaborately woven plot. V. good.
I’m only one book behind on my GoodReads goal for the year (what I’m reading now isn’t great but it might make the list) and my next read is going to be Mortal Heart. This is the OTHER trilogy that I have adored unreservedly and I am SO STOKED the book came out today.
Last Saturday was amazing because all I did - ALL DAY - was read. I had no errands to run, no chores to complete and no place to be. it was one of the days that makes being a grownup worthwhile. Afterwards we had dinner with some friends, great food and conversation.
All in all, it’s been a pretty fantastic fall.