Apr 26, 2009 10:50
That Fox News can actually claim to be fair and unbiased. I am equally furious that George Stephanopoulous lacks the testicular fortitude to actually ask ANY substantive questions or PRESS FOR ANSWERS.
I can't believe we're DEBATING whether people should be prosecuted for torturing prisoners when WE EXECUTED JAPANESE SOLDIERS FOR WATERBOARDING IN WWII. Check your tapes because NO ONE on the news talks about this. Nobody.
Those kids at Abu Gharib made really bad decisions and followed orders that they weren't obligated to follow, but we absogoddamnlutely need to be prosecuting the people who put those policies into place and then sold those kids out.
When you BECAME the terrorists - torturing prisoners, spying on your citizens without cause, eliminating habeas corpus - you BETTER have somenoe investigating and prosecuting to try and prevent what becomes an inevitable downhill slide.
Will the trials boost terrorist recruitment? Probably for a minute. But when we're actually holding people accountable for BAD ACTIONS IN OUR NAME, we can only come out ahead. We need to do this. We HAVE to do this. It's the only way we get back to even in this whole sad fucking mess.
what the fucking fuck