Aww, me and Sophie were sittin here and she found a recording on my cell phone that Miosoti must have done and it was all of us talking when we were over at Jermery's house one night..u can hear everyone talking about werid shit..since we didnt know it was on everyone was juss talking about random shit..we figured out it was the night before Robert left for college :o( i miss Robert!
U wanna see something funny? go to.. dont know if i linked it right..but we will sure find out soon wont we kids!?
I showed Bryan my homecoming dress today..he liked it, so theres a plus! he better have liked it..cuz i sure as hell wasnt taking it back lol..jk i love my proia!
So today was a good day..practice was productive today..thats always a good thing, i think we have a good chance this year! YES! The search for Miosoti and Sophie's dresses will continue tomorrow!! when we will travel to Port Charlotte for the dress selection there, lets hope we are not defeated once again, i will let our mothers know we will not retreive (right word?) untill we return from battle with sparkly evening attire!
well i must go call Mal now and help her with her book report!