Learn to Sew tutorials, which I'll actually be reading as they keep posting them.
Seriously. Because at least 75% of my learning process, as is the case with a lot of people, consisted of following directions on patterns. And since pattern directions are occasionally gibberish, and no one is checking my work, and I lack confidence in just about everything but breathing (though that's improving), I sometimes wonder whether I'm making rank newbie mistakes and just don't know it.
I'd like to say that I'm just about to bound away and sew a bunch of stuff now, but that's not the case. It's time for my second annual just-after-New-Year's bout of coldish/fluishness. Posting here is actually a step up from what I did all day up till now, i.e. play Skyrim and avoid standing up too fast.
Getting back to the tutorial: I have a couple of machines that I don't need, although I still need to unpack them, match cords to machines, and make sure that they still work. If anyone local wants dibs, please let me know. I think everyone I know who wants one has one, but you never know.
I don't think they're worth enough to bother selling them, considering the outlandish fees likely to be involved with shipping a ~20-pound object. But we'll see.
Edit: I'm a day behind, but
Bandai US is folding. There's nothing on their slate that we were planning to buy, fortunately for us, unfortunately for them.
Quite a bit of interesting arguing about the US vs. Japanese fanbase/market in the forum thread, too.