Avatar: TLA and Song of Ice and Fire spoilers, and if you can still click through, HIGH FIVE.
Jay is currently reading Storm of Swords, and I'm partway through a re-read of Clash of Kings. Paraphrased from this afternoon:
Jay: ...and Theon is Zuko, after all. "Will capturing Winterfell
make Daddy love me?!"
Sarah: Except he not only hates his parents, but also the people who took him in.* ..."That's rough, buddy." That would make Robb into Sokka. [in retrospect, I have a great quote for the beginning of that reference, but it's a spoiler beyond what Jay has read.
You know what I mean.]
From there it got worse.
Asha = Azula, esp. considering the chapter in which she first appears (which I just got past)
Back to the Gaang:
Arya = Toph, obviously
Sansa = Katara (Hopeful optimism!)
Jon = Aang (the Chosen One, more or less)
Rickon = Momo
Hodor = Appa
Bran wound up being Teo, for which we are going to hell, I'm sorry. (Though you know who more closely matches his story arc? Yue, and we are NOT going down that road.)
Joffrey = the Firelord, except that Jon doesn't smack him down. However, that would have made one EPIC sidetrack from the Wall. "Hi, we barely met because my family kept me shoved into a closet while you graced our presence. I've traveled hundreds of miles out of my way just to kill you. *stab*"
* I only realized after writing this out that this makes Iroh one of the Starks, too. Ha. No.
Halfway through the recovery thing! Doing fairly well, apart from the flu late last week. OK, so I consider that "fairly well."
In other boring life news, we meet with the house-buying-agent-who-is-not-actually-a-Realtor on Wednesday. And while I was sick, and therefore unwilling to work on convention- and commission-related projects, I nearly finished the smaller/simpler of my two long-unfinished quilts. The top is done, at least.