Here's the plan.
Jay is doing Nanowrimo this year. I am not. I'd love to, but I only have little ideas right now. However, I'll take the opportunity to promote a spirit of hardworking exasperation in our house by making up my own creativity deathmarch.
I've got about half a dozen sewing projects already started or ready to go, including stuff for the holiday craft market, stuff for Tekkoshocon, and next year's cosplay costumes. I've got a raft of projects for Tekkoshocon which still need more planning or preparation. There are Christmas gifts I'd like to make. There are things I'd like to make for myself. Outside of crafting, I have a brand-new AMV project and a few writing dabblings that I would like to try. Inside of crafting, it's too dark to read. Finally, there are a few things around the house that I'd like to get around to, like organizing some of my supplies and books.
I'm going to work on any or all of this in the fashion that I tend to do Nano, when I do it: every day or close to it, for a few hours. If I put in 3 hours a day, averaging busy weekdays with long weekend days, that's 90 hours a month. I could put a lot of this backlog behind me in 90 hours. I just have to stop frittering time away "doing nothing", which is a generous definition of "nothing." Basically, "nothing" would encompass wandering around the internet without reading anything in particular, watching TV just because it's there (OK, Netflix Instant just because it's there), and playing solitaire on the DS. Things that don't actually help me de-stress, even though they're unwinding type activities.
To keep myself honest (and possibly sane), I'll probably post about progress - not that anyone cares, because nobody else is doing it, but I'll write about it for my own sake. Maybe I'll take some pictures, make it more interesting. Here's today's picture, to warm up:
I didn't say they'd be thrilling pictures. I'm working on 6 bears simultaneously, which in this case means making a big pile of disembodied parts and then stitching them together. Today I added eyes to the last few. BTW, that glob on the left is a beanbag chair that has been entirely ceded to the cat.
Should be a fun month.