Oh, right. We (clearly) survived the G20. In fact, the only protest our area got was the Free Tibet one, and they don't get too rowdy. Nevertheless, the Gamestop was boarded up the whole time. Not the banks... not the Starbucks... Gamestop.
Apparently Tibetan exiles are pacifist except when it comes to scoring copies of Madden. THEN the gloves come off.
I'm not in the greatest mindset these days (see header), feeling awfully unmotivated for somebody who's supposed to be BRIMMING WITH SILVER SPARKLES, SILVER, DAMMIT, NOT PLATINUM so here's some escapism.
I got to try out Scribblenauts last weekend, which is to say that I messed around with the title screen for almost an hour. I really didn't even want to try the game itself; sandbox-ing was fun enough. (One fun bit: "love" manifests an anatomically correct human heart; "hate" manifests the same be-caped dude as "supervillain." Also, the game will generate Cthulu, but not Godzilla. Damn. I wanted a battle royale.)
I think I'll try to make a Maxwell bear for the table. Heh.
Otherwise I'm reading the Evangelion manga (one of the few in the house that I hadn't read yet), which I kind of prefer over the anime. It has nothing to do with OMGAuthenticity, because the anime did come first. Shinji is a couple of notches less irritating in the manga, for starters. He's still a whiny SOB, but he's a whiny SOB with a vestigial spine, and his litany is less "Daddy, why don't you love me" and more "eff this lunacy, I quit. Again." (Surprisingly, a particular mid-series plot point ...avoiding spoilers, for no good reason... involving Shinji's quasi-disappearance... was played more to advance the NERV-is-full-of-creepy-secrets angle and less to advance the Shinji-is-effed-in-the-head angle.)
Asuka is also underplayed a bit compared to the anime - she rages plenty, but they don't dwell as much on her competitive nature, letting it just inform her actions instead of spelling it out for us all the time. (Also, WTF, Japan, with the artificial insemination issues. Manga-Asuka has the same origin story as the sociopathic smart chick in GTO. "Female scientist creates supergenius daughter through sperm bank" is apparently Japan's national Freudian nightmare. Insecure, much?) They also play up her jealousy toward Rei over Shinji a bit more, which is neither here nor there, just different.
...come to think of it, maybe she had the same backstory in the anime and I just didn't notice. Hm.
The manga's author explained at the outset that his versions of the characters were turning out to be generally decent people with messed-up exteriors, while the anime had characters who were keeping it together in public but were utterly twisted at the core. It's an interesting take.
So, basically, same Angels/NERV/SEELE shenanigans, and a bit less of Shinji's issues with women and his parents. Score. Oh, and buckets of Kaoru, with a not too stereotyped "humans are interesting creatures" storyline. I had heard about that change before.
That's about it. Very unmotivated. I may try to do something that is constructive but not wedding-related (gasp!) to try and sidestep the burnout.