So that's pretty well settled, I think. Switch on the customer-service "I'm sorry, sir, good day" Politeness of Doom and that's that.
I wrote an incredibly huge post while the internet was out today, but it'll need some fine-tuning, I think. Basically I'm going to set up a 30_kisses / 30_lemons / #_themes sort of writing challenge for myself, inspired by
that post the other day (Suggest stuff! Please! Still open!) ...with a giant-ass list of prompt words and a pile of fandoms that I usually don't write in, including two of my originals. I'll pick some out of the pile once a week and write something. Even if it sucks, I will figure out why it sucks, and thus keep my rambling muscles in fighting trim. That's the plan, anyway. I'll probably post that mother up after my Otakon report.
For the next oh, six hours, I hope to continue what I was doing until I drifted off track: sewing the last of what I have to hand-sew (I'm behind schedule, what a surprise!) and marathonning FLCL. Because, you know, it's not like I'm going to eat, sleep, and breathe anime for the next three days. *cough*
I'm on AIM at "Sarah the Boring" if you need/want "my" cell number for the con. I'll see it pretty quickly, most likely; we know I can't keep on task for more than fifteen minutes at a time. ;)
This should be it till Sunday/Monday. Peace out, all. Have fun no matter where you are.