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Sarah Rees Brennan. You can comment here or
Oh, my galactical jam tarts, it has been long since we had a snippet of any sort, I know and I’m sorry!
But this snippet is fancily hosted the Dickens Blog, because TELL THE WIND AND FIRE is a retelling of A TALE OF TWO CITIES with magic rings and New York and doppelgangers and Ladies Doing A Crapton of Stuff like swordfighting and giving television interviews.
http://dickensblog.typepad.com/dickensblog/2016/02/an-excerpt-from-tell-the-wind-and-fire.html Okay it’s here. We see way more of Lucie and Carwyn, two of the main characters, and get more of a sense of them, and… I hope you like them.
And it has a lot about cupcakes in it.
I hope you like it, lightning muffins.