Star Trek Parody

May 27, 2009 22:37

So, a few weeks ago my friends offered me free advance tickets to see Star Trek. I laughed and refused: I had never been able to get through a whole episode of Star Trek.

But I kept hearing about how awesome the new movie was, and so I thought, well, I could use a break from restoring my livejournal.

And then it was awesome. And I wanted to write ( Read more... )

parody, movie parody

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matt_doyle May 28 2009, 00:16:24 UTC
I feel strongly that this is more of an accurate recapping and less of a parody.


gileonnen May 28 2009, 00:20:44 UTC
Agreed. It's funny because it's more or less completely accurate. XD


mr_mercutio May 28 2009, 00:24:54 UTC
Completely agreed.


half_cockedgirl May 28 2009, 00:28:52 UTC
I concur. Awesome!


azurelunatic May 28 2009, 03:27:43 UTC


orbitaldiamonds August 27 2009, 12:57:17 UTC
I concur as well. :D


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