--Opening Act--
^^ I didn't have a great Halloween since I was working, but it wasn't bad. Went to work, and then went shopping with my sister. Bought some books for hella cheap, and got a new shirt and jacket. Both are super cute~
Not a single trick-or-treater came to our door! XD Ah, well, it was expected~~ Now I have a bag full of candy corn to eat! Fufufufu~
I hate my icons. I hated them from the start, but since they were Turtle I posted them anyway. I'm working on new ones. They're just not turning out great;;;
I am SO sick of hearing about this election. I really used to care about who would win, and the issues, and the government. I still think it's important. BUT I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO WIN AND THIS TO END OMFG. I know it's important and everything, but I'm pretty sure everyone is already aware that there is an election going on, and they've all picked their candidate, so I don't think it's so neccessary to RUB IT IN OUR FACES EVERY FIVE SECONDS. No. Really. There's a problem when I can't watch an utterly superficious and pointless program like MTV's Pimp My Ride without getting at least three election CM's for every commercial break.
Speaking of CM's, I want BoA's Maybelline one. (What!? I couldn't end a post without mentioning BoA. Get Real! Seotaiji's MV's are HOT but really fucked up. I really liked Heffy End more than I thought I would. Really emotional. The ending was genius. Well, the whole thing was, really. I think he should invite Witches or EVE instead of PIA as the opening acts for his next concert, though. And Nell's vocalist looks like Sung Si Kyung.
--Closing Act--
Love you all. Hope you guys had a fun (and safe! I know you trouble makers XP) Halloween~! Oh, and
chibijelly! Full House is totally online so you totally have to watch it and fangirl with me! XD It is such an awesome drama. (I started downloading Attic Cat, b.t.w. :D Looks really cute!)
Nan arrayo.