If I ever got married, I would have to have
-my own last name, not his
-a separate bank account
-a separate bedroom, to escape when I needed to
-a separate bed when sleeping next to him didn't feel right
-a separate bathroom that I knew was just mine
-my own friends, not necessarily "mutual" or "co" friends
-my own schedule maintained
-my own car,
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-being able to have a dog
-not being mocked for my choice of clothing or make-up (or lack-thereof)
-knowing I won't be criticized for my body type
-having a LARGE distance, in terms of physical proximity from EACH set in-laws.
I meant to put in a part about children, in that I want to know that I won't ever feel pressured to have them, because I don't want them.
I also should have put in something about not wanting any sort of criticism about the life choices I have made or will continue to do, as it seems so many married couples are constantly bantering over that.
But yes, I know many married couples who play the "we don't keep anything from each other, there are no secrets, we have a shared account, we can't sleep without having the other in bed" game and I find that completely outrageous. Be yourself, be an individual, don't belong to someone.
But of course, I don't believe in the idea of soul mates...never will...and maybe those that play these ridiculous games do. I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that there is only one person out there for everyone. If there was, and it was meant to happen that way, we'd all already have found it.
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