(no subject)

Nov 24, 2012 16:23

Interview with a Vampire - Anne Rice

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Jane Austen & Seth Grahame-Smith
The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries - Roger Boar & Nigel Blundell
Age of Misrule - Mark Chadbourn
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke
The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
Skins: The Novel - Ali Cronin
The Enemy Within: A Short History of Witch-Hunting - John Demos
The Man With the Golden Gun - Ian Fleming
Live and Let Die - Ian Fleming
Octopussy - Ian Fleming
Girls Like Funny Boys - Dave Franklin
The Complete Illustrated Fairy Tales of The Brother Grimm
Dead to the World - Charlaine Harris
Dead as a Doornail - Charlaine Harris
Definitely Dead - Charlaine Harris
All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris
From Dead to Worse - Charlaine Harris
Deathworld 1 - Harry Harrison
Make Room! Make Room! - Harry Harrison
A Book of Spells - Michael Joseph
The Australian Crime File - Paul B Kidd
Brother Odd - Dean Koontz
Tender Morsels - Margo Lanagan
The Encyclopedia of Forensic Science - Brian Lane
Blindness - Jose Saramago
Battlestar Galactica - Glen A Larson & Robert Thurston
The Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis
Picnic at Hanging Rock - Joan Lindsay
Handling the Undead - John Ajvide Lindqvist
The Call of the Wild & White Fang - Jack London
On The Jellicoe Road - Melina Marchetta
The Piper's Son - Melina Marchetta
1st to Die, 2nd Chance & 3rd Degree - James Patterson
The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart
The Prometheus Crisis - Thomas N Scortia & Frank M Robinson
Superstitious - RL Stine
Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
LOST: Signs of Life - Frank Thompson
The Amtrak Wars 1: Cloud Warrior - Patrick Tilley
The Amtrak Wars 2: First Family - Patrick Tilley
The Amtrak Wars 6: Earth-Thunder - Patrick Tilley
Murder in Mind - Kirk Wilson
James Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me - Christopher Wood

Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
Friendly Fire - Wil Anderson
The Amityville Horror - Jay Anson

Cabal - Clive Barker
Damnation Game - Clive Barker
The Hellbound Heart - Clive Barker
Peter Pan - JM Barrie
The Wizard of Oz - L Frank Baum
The Looking Glass Wars - Frank Beddor
The Looking Glass Wars: Seeing Redd - Frank Beddor
Blue Water High - Shelley Birse
The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty
Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books - Francesca Lia Block
Summer Sisters - Judy Blume
Surf Ache - Gerry Bobsien
Dust - Christine Bongers
The Action Hero's Handbook - Borgenicht & Borgenicht
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants - Ann Brasheres
Forever Blue - The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood - Ann Brasheres
Exquisite Corpse - Poppy Z Brite
Digitial Fortress - Dan Brown
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
You or Someone Like You - Chandler Burr

Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card
Obernewtyn - Isobelle Carmody
Alyzon Whitestarr - Isobelle Carmody
Post Grad - Emily Cassel
House of Night - Marked - PC & Kristen Cast
Breaktime/Dance on My Grave - Aidan Chambers
This is All: The Pillowbook of Cordelia Kenn - Aidan Chambers
The Mortal Instruments Book One: City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - Rachel Cohn & David Leviathan
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: Suzanne Collins
The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
The Gates - John Connolly

Danny the Champion of the World - Roald Dahl
The Crowthistle Chronicles Book One: The Iron Tree - Cecelia Dart-Thornton
Along for the Ride - Sarah Dessen
Someone Like You - Sarah Dessen
The Crucible Book One: The Nameless Day - Sara Douglass
The Crucible Book Three: The Crippled Angel - Sara Douglass
The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
The Lost World - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
School's Out - Christiphe Dufosse
The City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau

Into White Silence - Anthony Eaton
The Wild Things - Dave Eggers
Crooked Little Vein - Warren Ellis
The Neverending Story - Michael Ender

The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
Hush, Hush - Rebecca Fitzpatrick
Wanting - Richard Flanagan
Casino Royale - Ian Fleming
The Freedom Writer's Diary
Inkheart - Cornelia Funke

American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman
Coraline - Neil Gaiman
Coraline the Graphic Novel
Fragile Things - Neil Gaiman
The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
M is For Magic - Neil Gaiman
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
Odd and the Frost Giants - Neil Gaiman
Stardust - Neil Gaiman
The Luxe - Anna Godbersen
How To Survive a Horror Movie - Seth Grahame-Smith
Evernight - Claudia Gray
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Roger Lancelyn Green
An Abundance of Katherines - John Green
Looking for Alaska - John Green
The Book of Names - Jill Gregory & Karen Tintori
Marley & Me - John Grogan

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon
Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris
Living Dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris
Club Dead - Charlaine Harris
Butterfly - Sonya Hartnett
Stripes of the Sidestep Wolf - Sonya Hartnett
The Outsiders - SE Hinton
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Washington Irving

Bad Kitty - Michelle Jaffe
Kitty Kitty - Michelle Jaffe
The Tooth Fairy - Graham Joyce

Skinny - Ibi Kaslik
Outside In - Chrissie Keighery
Off Season - Jack Ketchum
Offspring - Jack Ketchum
Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd
Dolores Claiborne - Stephen King
Hating Alison Ashley - Robin Klein
Downtown Owl - Chuck Klosterman
Ticktock - Dean Koontz
The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova

Touching Earth Lightly - Margo Lanagan
King Raven Book One: Hood - Stephen R Lawhead
King Raven Book Two: Scarlet - Stephen R Lawhead
Fairest - Gail Carson Levine
Let The Right One In - John Ajvide Lindqvist
White Fang - Jack London
The Descent - Jeff Long
Deeper - Jeff Long
The Night Watch - Sergei Lukyanenko
The Day Watch - Sergei Lukyanenko

Taming the Beast - Emily Maguire
Mirror Mirror - Gregory Maguire
What-the-dickens - Gregory Maguire
Company of Liars - Karen Maitland
Ransom - David Malouf
Looking for Alibrandi - Melina Marchetta
Saving Francesca - Melina Marchetta
Finnikin on the Rock - Melina Marchetta
So Much to Tell You - John Marsden
So Much To Tell You: The Play - John Marsden
Checkers - John Marsden
Hamlet: a novel - John Marsden
Tomorrow When The War Began - John Marsden
The Dead of Night - John Marsden
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Cross My Heart - Maureen McCarthy
Ganglands - Maureen McCarthy
Queen Kat, Carmel & St Jude Get a Life - Maureen McCarthy
Chain of Hearts - Maureen McCarthy
Rose By Any Other Name - Maureen McCarthy
Peter Pan in Scarlet - Geraldine McCaughrean
Losing It - Sandy McKay
Rose Daughter - Robin McKinley
Sunshine - Robin McKinley
Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
Vampire Academy: Frostbite - Richelle Mead
Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead
Vampire Academy: Blood Promise - Richelle Mead
Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
New Moon - Stephenie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer
Feeling Sorry for Celia - Jaclyn Moriarty
Finding Cassie Crazy - Jaclyn Moriarty
The Betrayal of Bindy Mackenzie - Jaclyn Moriarty
Dreaming of Amelia - Jaclyn Moriarty

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

Lullabies for Little Criminals - Heather O'Neill

Love You Two - Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli
Eragon - Christopher Paolini
Eldest - Christopher Paolini
Brisingr - Christopher Paolini
Crime Seen - Jenny Pausacker
Special Topics in Calamity Physics - Marisha Pessl
Keeping Faith - Jodi Picoult
Picture Perfect - Jodi Picoult
Perfect Match - Jodi Picoult
The Pact - Jodi Picoult
Salem Falls - Jodi Picoult
The Tenth Circle - Jodi Picoult
Nineteen Minutes - Jodi Picoult
Change of Heart - Jodi Picoult
Handle with Care - Jodi Picoult
Alanna: the First Adventure - Tamora Pierce
In The Hands of the Goddess - Tamora Pierce
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man - Tamora Pierce
Lioness Rampant - Tamora Pierce
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Maskerade - Terry Pratchett
Night Watch - Terry Pratchett
The Laws of Magic: Blaze of Glory - Michael Pryor
The Laws of Magic: Heart of Gold - Michael Pryor
Northern Lights - Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife - Philip Pullman
The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman

Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination - Edogawa Rampo
Witch Child - Celia Rees
Ice Station - Matthew Reilly
Temple - Matthew Reilly
Hell Island - Matthew Reilly
Seven Ancient Wonders - Matthew Reilly
The Six Sacred Stones - Matthew Reilly
The Getting of Wisdom - Henry Handel Richardson
The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets - JK Rowling
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban - JK Rowling
Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince - JK Rowling
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling
Quidditch Through the Ages
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - JK Rowling
The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy
...regards, some girl with words - Elizabeth Ryan

FlashForward - Robert J Sawyer
Lucky - Alice Sebold
The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
The Vampire Diaries Volume One: The Awakening - LJ Smith
The Vampire Diaries Volume Two: The Struggle - LJ Smith
The Vampire Diaries Volume Three & Four: The Fury/Dark Reunion
The Vampire Diaries The Return Volume One: Nightfall
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg
Stargirl - Jerry Spinelli
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning/The Reptile Room/The Wide Window - Lemony Snicket
Dracula - Bram Stoker
Red if for Remembrance - Laurie Faria Stolarz
Ghost Story - Peter Straub
Spiral - Koji Suzuki
Loop - Koji Suzuki
Dark Water - Koji Suzuki

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne

Heartless - Tasma Walton
I Am Not A Serial Killer - Dan Wells
Peeps - Scott Westerfeld
Uglies - Scott Westerfeld
Pretties - Scott Westerfeld
Specials - Scott Westerfeld
Charlotte's Web - EB White
The Night Trilogy: Night/Day/Dawn - Elie Wiesel
Scatterheart - Lili Wilkinson
The Unblemished - Conrad Williams
After the Ball - David Williamson
Evil Offspring - JN Williamson
Darker Than You Think - Jack Williamson
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
Castle in the Air - Diana Wynne Jones
The Lives of Christopher Chant - Diana Wynne Jones
The Game - Diana Wynne Jones
The Book Thief - Markus Zuzak

Nonfiction etc
World Famous Cults and Fanatics
The Secrets of Angels and Demons
Cannibal Killers
Dear Writer - Carmel Bird
Investigating CSI - Donn Cortez
The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
God is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens
Apocalypse 2012 - Lawrence Joseph
It Ain't Necessarily So, Bro... - Dr Karl
Please Explain - Dr Karl
Forensic Detective - Robert Mann
Forensic Clues to Murder - Brian Marriner
Forensic Investigator - Esther McKay
Musicophilia - Oliver Sacks
Leadbelly: Inside Australia's Underworld Wars - John Silvester
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