Dec 23, 2004 09:53
I am too damn nice, for someone that is such a bitch all the time. I took today off from work paid, so I could extend my three day holiday weekend to four days. So of course, my boss scheduled our area pot-luck and secret santa gift exchange for today. I was not explicitly required to show up, but since I am part of the secret santa thing, I pretty much should, morally. Except that my boss didn't have a scheduled time for this little shindig until this morning. Which means I had to call in and find out what time to be there. Since I got so little sleep, I was planning on calling and telling her I can't make it by whatever time she tells me it got scheduled for. Well, before I could even reply to her telling me that the dinner starts at 11am, she immediately asked me (in that really nice sweet way that bosses who are actually nice ask things) if I could do her a huge favor and pick up a cheesecake on the way because someone dropped one on the way to the fridge with the food.
So, of course. Since I'm a little wussy girl, I agreed to not only go to the event, but also pick up a cheesecake.
I don't want to go. It's my day off and I'm a tired cranky little bitch.
Edited to add: My mom and sister are entirely creeped out by the fact that I desire Angelina Jolie. I think they think I'm teh lesbo. Anyway, last night we were watching Will and Grace, and Jack in the show made a comment along the lines of "Even women have the hots for Angelina Jolie."
Or, as my friend Grimace says. It's not that women and men have the particular hots for Angelina Jolie as a woman. She's not a woman or a man, she is sex.