Twilight Ranting

Nov 24, 2008 22:22

Wow, okay so I'm not sure where to start but I need to vent some more after driving my friend So lets see here

JASPER i wanted to squish him so bad, he should of had a bigger part
EDWARD hawt as ever reminds me of this kid in my class only 110 times better lookin
JACOB is just love
BELLA sounds different than i though but it works
ALICE is not at all what i pictured
ROSALIE i hate! the girl that plays her anyways...grr...
BILLY i imagined as really old and weak not all hyper haha
CHARLIE reminds me of somebody hummmmmm
ESME was perfect
JAMES holy fucking shit never wear cloths again
EMMETT haha much cuter online than in the movie
CARLISLE whoot hes hawt but dayum who is he seriously?
VICTORIA was nothing like i though where is her firey hair?

So enough of that. I like the movie I did, rather enjoyed it. I was glad to see some extra James. I really just feel like it was missing way to much. Like they were rushing through it. Alot of my favorite lil parts from the book were gone, and I know it is just a movie but it was good stuff. When they take her back down to Phoenix it should of showed more Jasper and Alice, I love those two. They should of showed more of the planning that got them there as well, it was rather annoying. And man the part where Bella pokes her finger and the Newton kid and Edward are all like I'll taker her, no I'll taker her...that would of been cute =] And I red the books so fast and I dont have them in front of me so Edward leaves after prom right? And then we get Bella and Jacob playing with the dirt bikes right? I love that part =] ARGGGG I have just been going on and on it was way too rushed. AGH and the whole DAZZLE me part, where Bella and Edward are in the restaurant. I felt totally jipped on that It pissed me off so bad lol. WOW I'm tooo emotional over a movie...hahah I enjoyed it though i swear lol

So through out the movie i was all nudging my friend and chewing, twisting and pulling on my straw. It was all mangled up by the end of the movie, i snapped it in half when Jasper walked into the cafeteria and squeeeeed when Edward came in. Very nice looking cast of men though I must give them that.

Okay I'll hush now =]


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