AHHHHH! Its a post to my journal...whats that?

Sep 02, 2008 19:58

Okay so JD has been bugging me for weeks to post a new entry....so here goes. Not that I have remotely anything clever to say or anything. So lets see...I went to the NC and GA Idol shows. Met so very awesome ppl We sure took Charlotte by storm and Anitas lovely drunken sign and the Mavebrellas caused a bit of an uproar over at the wonderful dc.org site...blah blah whine whine..get over it already! I'm not gonna go into a whole lot of detail about the lovely weekend because all the others posted wonderful reviews with all the lovely events :) they are good like that and i'm basically a slacker...hehe. So i'm all healed up from my surgery for the most part which is nice, still havnt eaten a real pizza since but hey i've lost 5lbs so maybe i should stay away from it...but i'm not gonna lie Papa Johns is calling my name :p School has started back so i'm like hiking all over freaking campus and working my butt off but its paying off I'm making nice 100's and that makes me happy...its only two weeks into the semester so i'm sure those will turn in to double didgits soon enough...lol... What else? Well hubby and I have split up, i'm thinking its permanate but we'll see i guess. Its been almost two weeks now and we have hardly talked and hes hardly spent anytime with the boys and that kinda bums me out! I have my lovely cook chatter girls who are keepin my sprits up :) I also have my Mistro fic i am working on and its a nice distraction (PS JD is addicted to it...hehe) Not much else goes on though.

So my One Tree Hill came back on last night and OMFG! Nanny Carrie is a phsyco, although i'm not so sure that word covers it...i really should get so cought up in tv shows but i totally squealed when Peyton came walking through the airport, i must admit i was so happy i cried...lol...what a sap...hehe

A little something to drool over because CowBoyHat Cookie is made of WIN!

And for my viewing pleasure a little "freaky" Jason to look at...taking by the lovely Matertenebrarum...aka Kara for me...I love it so :)

Okay so i'm done rambling on...hehe

life, rambling

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