May 21, 2006 21:45
yay i got a job im excited! finally money coming in woo hoo! i cant wait till summer thats coming soon like in 2 weeks soon =]oo i cant wait. anyways im going back on a hardcore diet this week i really really want to lose at 12 lbs dont ask why 12 but i do lol.lets see what else nothing else is really new just same ol' same ol'.o grays anatomy ended last sunday that was sad now i cant wait until next season holy smokes it going to be good.i have this huge decades project in history due but it will be fun so im looking forward to this one cuz i get to make a scrapbook of the 90's how easy is taht ya know. god i cant wait till summer,tan, with gods help abs and money and drivers ed and maybe cute boys moving in down the street from me in the 2 houses that are for sale well ones sold the other will be so maybe cute boys will move in taht are half italian/half greek between 5'7 and 5'10 not to fat but stalky,broad shoulders,and longish shortish brown hair and eyes and a 5 o clock shadow lol HOPEFULLY! but thats it for now peace out!
ps commemt please