Last night and I went to see Los Campesinos! At the Magic Stick. I've never been to that venue, but I like it. It's next to The Majestic. The venue at Magic Stick is actually upstairs above a bowling alley. When we were downstairs waiting for them to open the doors you could really hear sound check.
So they opened doors and we went up and got a table because we decided to sit through the first act. The opening band was called Sky Larkin. They were british and very precious. As Brenna says, they were inoffensive. They weren't bad but all of their songs sounded very similar.
After that we went out onto the patio and it was warm but started raining balls.
my friends are such pretty girls!
SOOOO. After that we went inside and got a spot. We were litterally right against the speakers but we were close to the stage.
brenna can barely contain herself.
so! then los campensinos started. The lead singer was very charming and chatty. He moved around a lot and was generally very entertaining. There are seven members of the band. Three of which were girls. They had a violin player who was awesome! They also had a bunch of xylophone and the dummer went topless (he was a boy).
Death To Los Campesinos!
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You! Me! Dancing!
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after that brenna sent me to buy her C.D. for her and the lead singer was up there. So I got him to sign her c.d. for me and he signed a flier too! I was going to send it to
pearldrop cause she totally digs them, but it says SARAH on it in big letters.
So .... that's it! Tuesday is Empires/TAI in Grand Rapids. Concert season has begun.