Journal porn

Sep 24, 2009 12:38

I just posted this at embodiment and thought I'd share here.

Here's some journal porn for you... My journal stash!

You can click all of them to get them a bit bigger.

These are all the journals I have waiting to be used. My next one (hopefully soon!) will be the upper lefthand one - the glam blue notebook one. The olive-y one next to it is a blank sketchbook; it'll probably be my next art journal after I slowly finish my current one. The one next to that (bright green) is like a past journal I've used, but the other was blue. It has a pocket/pouch for a cover!

The candy hearts one is one of my favorites, and I think that may be second in line. I'm more of a thicker-book journaler, so it'll be interesting to come up on the little/thin ones.


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