Things I Tweeted Today

Apr 15, 2010 01:01

Todays Twitters, just in case I continue to slack off from LJ and forget to post!

  • 23:26 7.1 Earthquake in China . #
  • 23:30 Can someone online right now tell me if this link works? #
  • 23:38 Woo hoo working link! I didn't want to send people to something that didn't exist! #
  • 15:58 Now THAT's a loft: #
  • 22:37 My husband just said, "I'm gonna de-bag your Zinger and put it in the fridge." .... it's funnier on 4 hours sleep. #
  • 22:41 I should probably point out it was in reference to my jar of tea on the counter. #
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