school and church and whatever

Feb 11, 2005 19:13

well lately has been kinda fun i guess...
last friday i went to a church thing at St.Paul, loads of fun. didnt get to sleep for about 25 hours..lots of fun though...(i lied...i was only up for about 23...but its only two hours, just wanted t make it seem like i was up for more than a day...)
anyways, school is going greatly...have a conflict...i have 2 dates for prom!!! lol, only one of them im going with though, aaron of course...said yes to both of them though...yikes...but its ok, nobody get mad at me..aaron was there, and it was a joke!
My lowest grade is in US History, i am thinkin the lord i didnt sign up for APUSH. i would be failing, no doubt bout it. i think i have an 89 in there...the only 2 classes im takin next year that are above a 4.0 are spanish 2 and trig.
anyways, thats boring...i sang a lot today, i need to take the ACT...geeze, i feel so behind...
i think i cracked my tailbone, it is been hurting like crazy for the past 2 days becase i hit it really really hard...i think i need to get it checked out, not like they can do anythin about it pretty positive sumthin is wrong with it though. ouch
oh yeah! Mardi Gras was lots o fun...someone on the float asked me to flash them for a pair of black panties...i already got a pair at the day question is, what did he expect me to flash him?!?! i dont have anythng!!!
alright, later peoples!!!
love ya'll
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