first journal of the new year

Jan 08, 2005 09:19

Hey, today was a lot of fun!
Paula and I went to a double feature at the Grand 12 theatre. It was nice. We saw White Noise and Meet the Fockers. It was a nice mix. White noise was creepy, and meet the fockers was hilarious. Well, i really miss Brian, it's drivin me crazy not to see or talk to him...:( miss my bro, and i miss my real bro too, he's up in virginia beach for the Navy. I hope he doesnt go to Iraq, i will be so upset, i prolly wont see him until like some time in june or august or sumthin. I hate being away from people. i miss them too much.
well, i really like school this semester, its hard to believe ill be a senior this year, crazy stuff. I might get my liscence thisyear too! i hope, its ridiculus i dont have it yet, im juist gonna wait till i turn 17 so i can get my regular liscence.well, i just thought i would update, since i havent updated in a while. I hope everyone is doing great and luv you all.
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