i hate stress. so much.
next week is finals. im totally looking forward to them being over and for spring break to be here already. next quarter im not taking any art classes, so im not sure if it will suck or not. i think im a little art-ed out right now, so it will be nice to have a break, but its my major, so i feel like i need to be in it all the time. maybe this will make me do some stuff at home instead.
im also looking forward to the end of this year. mostly because summer will be the first quarter ive had off since i started school. i can hardly believe ive been in school for a year and a half straight! i need a de-stressing break. hopefully spent in seattle?
so the weather's been weird. up in the good ol' lc, its been snowing a bunch. kinda crazy. i sure hope it gets warm for spring break. i dont want to have to drive home in that stuff. and deal with it for a whole week. :P
young women's group for my church starts tonite! im so excited. these girls are awesome and im excited to spend some time getting to know them. we're gonna be going through Every Single Woman's Battle together, which will totally benefit me in so many ways. yay for more friends!
also, check this out:
(In) is an online magazine that i help write articles for. its all music/movies/video games and its really cool. it was just launched recently, so theres only a few articles, but more will be coming shortly, i hope. its gonna be really cool... already is! hehe. but yeah, ive written a few things on there so far. ch-check it out.