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bzoink!|{STARTERS}|date:01/02/05time:12:05 AMname:Sarahage:16birthday:07/18/1988school:Ryan High|{BASIC}|eyes:Brownhair:Blackheight:5'4 shoe size:8-10 depending on the type of shoe and brandwho lives with you?My momwhen is your bedtime?Whenever I fall asleep|{HAVE YOU EVER...}|flown on a plane?yesbeen so drunk you passed out?nomissed school because it was raining?no, but that's a good ideatold your crush you liked them?yesset a body part on fire for amusement?no, can't say I have.had a crush on a friend's girlfriend/boyfriend?yesbeen hurt emotionally?who hasn't?kept a secret from everyone?Yepwanted to hook up with a friend?yeahcried during a movie?no, but I did during a play oncebeen on stage?yescut your hair?nohad a crush on a teacher?yeah, but he wasn't my teacher|{FAVORITE}|shampoo:Suave Naturals Aloe Veracolor:Bluetime of day:evening, but not night. Around sunset.season:Autumnlace or satin?satinmovie:Sevendrink:Iced Teaperson to talk to face-to-face:Katzeperson to talk to on the phone:Trevor|{RIGHT NOW}|wearing:Blue Jeans and a black peasant topeating:nothingdrinking:nothinglistening to:the radio|{IN THE LAST 24 HOURS, HAVE YOU...}|cried?noworn jeans?i am right nowdriven a car?nofound money?nomet somebody new?nodone laundry?no, that's later todaytalked on the phone?yes|{DO YOU BELIEVE IN...}|yourself?to an extentyour friends?to an extentsanta claus?if I didn't, I would never get anyhing for Chirstmasthe tooth fairy?nodestiny/fate?To an extentangels?there are still some aroundghosts?of courseUFOs?if its moving through the air, and you don't know what it is, that's a UFO.reincarnation?It's possible|{OPINIONS}|capital punishment:getting too humaneabortion:Woman's choicegay marriage:If two people are in love and want to be together, who am I to say that it's wrong?stem cell research:what about it?war:Unneccessarymasturbation:not a crimepremarital sex:if the right precautions are taken, what's the problem?|{FRIENDS AND LIFE}|Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?yesDo you like anyone?yesWhich friend have you known the longest?KatzeWhich of your friends acts the most like you?No clueWho do you hang out with the most?TrevorWho do you go to for stuff?what kind of stuff?What's the worst feeling?helplessnessDo you ever wish you had a different name?nope, I love my name|{DO YOU...}|Keep a diary?does a blog count?Fold your underwear?why?Bite your fingernails?only when I'm nervousLike to cook?yesTalk in your sleep?How should I know?Set your watch a few minutes ahead?noWish you could live somewhere else?sometimesDrink?sometimesDo drugs?Do Zoloft, Aspirin, and Midol count?Smoke?noLike cleaning?not reallyLike rollercoasters?they're okayWrite in cursive or print?print|{LAST...}|Movie you saw in theatres?Phantom of the OperaMovie you rented?Rules of Attraction, Velvet Goldmine, and Queer as Folk 2nd SeasonMovie you bought?SevenSong you listened to?"Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" by Otis ReddingSong that was stuck in your head?Don't know the name of itSong you downloaded?"Swing, Swing, Swing" by All-Amercan RejectsCD you bought?Best of Broadway by London OrchestraCD you listened to?Coco de MerTV show you watched?Don't rememberPerson you called?Trevor Person that called you?TrevorPerson you were thinking of?a number of people|{HAVE YOU EVER...}|cried over a guy/girl?yeslied to somebody?yesbeen in a fist fight?yesbeen arrested?nobeen in the paper?yesstolen something?yesplayed a game that required removal of clothing?yesapplied to be on a reality show?nofallen down the stairs?yesfallen UP the stairs?yesgotten locked into a public building?nocaused a riot?no|{END}|Are you glad this is over?kindaWhat time is it?12:21 AMIs it still the same day?yes
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