Update? Who woulda guessed?

Jul 20, 2006 07:30

So, I almost made a post the other day when I was bored at work, but then I couldn't think of a clever, witty way to phrase what I wanted to say (probably because it was so boring), so I Xed the window. Now I'm gearing up for another workday and figured I might as well write while I'm waiting for something to do.

The internship is going fabulously. Everyone at KaZaK is really nice, down to earth, and laid back. I've been doing a lot of different stuff including prototype fabrication, wind tunnel testing, reading naval ship drawings, writing a report, and editing senior mechanical engineers' SBIR proposals. In a couple of weeks I'll be heading down to Yemassee, SC, to pultrude some missle wings. rad. If they offer me a full time position at the end of the summer/beginning of next summer I'd be phyched. If this is what mechanical engineering is all about, I'm sorry I badmouthed it before.

Other than working, nothing too interesting is going on in my life. I've been hanging out with people when I can, and when that catches up with me I go to bed at 9:30. I finally paid off my debts from San Fran/car stuff, so now I'm in money-saving mode which is nice for a change. Other plans for the summer include canoeing with KTO and possibly skydiving.

Social gathering at my house on Saturday night. Let me know if you want details - you probably know how these things work.

I'm a total nerd and am quite exciting about this semester. I only have two in-class classes, but they are probably going to be really really hard. I'm also taking an online course and a directed study, both with my main man Prof. Sherwood. I already sent him an idea of what I want to do for my direcited study (write a handbook for lab report writing), so hopefully we get a "syllabus" in place right at the start of the semester so that I can get that started.

On an unrelated note, I ended up at a party at Adam Hannagan's house on Friday night - random! So many people I haven't seen in so long were there, some I haven't seen since senior or even freshman year of high school! It was fun, but awkward, but I'd definately go again sometime if I find out about it.

well, I guess that's it for now kiddos. Give me a call/IM/smoke signal if you want to hang out - I have to admit I've already made plans of my weekends through August 4th, but I'm sure I could fit you in somewhere. In the meantime, stay classy.
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