May 10, 2006 21:40
i would be lieing if i said this terms was going the way i thought/hoped it would. i don't know if thats exactly a good or bad thing, but i know at least right now i don't really like it all to much. i mean for one thing- i did not sign up to have so much hw third term. i mean, its not as bad now that i have gotten a bunch of stuff done and out of the way, but really- what happened to all that free time i was going to have? and i have to say that i'm not liking this whole taking 2 classes thing- next year i'm really only going to do one if i can, its just so much easear.
i guess my bigest problem is that i can't stop comparing this term to last term three- and the two are about as diffrent as they can posibly get. i mean- if they were any more diffrent, i would start to think that i was at a diffrent school or something. i know that it is kind of bad that i keep comparing the two (i am really really really tryiing hard to stop doing that cause the only one it hurts is me) but its difficult for me to do so. i guess that is in some way due to the fact that there were a lot of things last year that i liked better. like the fact i was taking a rather easy class and new i was going to get an A, the fact that i only had one class and then had the rest of the day free, the fact i felt like i had a soical life and firends i could trust..... but....i mean....this term is not all bad.... and i'm trying my best to really look at it like a learning expearance. you know- part of that hole... 'it may suck a bit now, but in the end you will grow and be better for it' kind of thing. at least that is what i'm hoping comes out of all of it. and there have been a few people who have really suprized me and steped up to the plate a little bit, and really helped me keep it togeather this term.
one the front of things to (try and) look foward to, i'm staying on campus this summer, and with any luck i'll be able to get to grand old new Canaan at some point and with any luck see some of my old friends. i really hope this works out seeing as its now been two year sence i have gotten to see anyone (with the exseption of beeing able to see Krista once earler this year). i really miss my firends from home....if nothing eles, i just feel like they are not going to just up and never talk to me again, and i feel that they are reliable (and that goes fore times over for David and Brian, you guys are the best!) and by staying on campus i'm really hoping that i will be able to make some new firends, and grow into my self some more if that makes any sence.
well- as much as i would like to keep babbling on, i have a nice big bed and atleast one more movie to watch tonight (got to love no-class wendsdays).....
TTFN world