why actualy do any of the work i have to when i can mess around on the computer? thats what my thinking is right now anyway... what can i say... i'm not in much of a 'get work done' kind of mood. i got like a 15 p. head start on my nat. amr. lit hw...so i feel very acomplished for this weekend. i mean- even more important than getting my work done- i got like.... between 15 and 18 hours of sleep this weekend!!! this is really a good thing seeing as i felt like pooo most of this past week. i'm really hoping the good amount of sleep will give me the energy i need to get through this final week before thanksgiving brake (thats right, one week from now i'll be at home snuggled up with my beautiful dog, who i love more than life its slef!!!). the only down side of going home is that i can't compeat in the Mr. & Miss. Angels Pagent (which is on the 20th). oh- well.... Mel says i might be good enough to compeat in Mr. up & coming latter on this year- which would be freaking cool...but i'm just going to have to wait and see for now i guess.
in any case... moving on...or back rather... i have the sinking feeling thought that even with the sleep its going to be a long week. at least this term is just about over! i mean... on the one hand it feels like it has been draging- but on the other hand it feels like it has going by WAY to fast. i can't beliveave how much has changed, how much has happened... and just... everything that has gone down so fare this term.
sky has gotten the halloween pics up (and they look freaking grate!) and i was hoping i could try and put one up on my lj... but i'm not sure if its going to let me. hmmm....... let me see.... well just incase this does work- the fallowing pic(s) are not mine, i do not clam to own them or have any other in any way- i am just barowing them for the pupuse of scaring and supprize all the people i can at this time.
well i hope this comes out looking ok once is actualy update my journal.... if not i'll play around with it more latter....
if this comes out i'll have more pics up latter. feel free to let me know what you think people.