1.91.1 B - No more tears now.

Jan 26, 2008 23:01

No more tears now; I will think upon revenge. Mary Stuart, British Novelist

There was no time for tears or regrets now. All she had left was the choice: run as far and as fast as they could or stand and fight. No choice at all. If they stayed, they ran the risk of losing more than they could afford to lose. If they ran, there was no guarantee that the Cylons would follow, and Cylons didn't tire as humans did.

No chance to grieve for what had already been lost. Just the need to gather up the reins of power and hope that she could hold on. It was going to be a very rough ride. Sooner or later, thoughts would turn towards revenge; that was human nature. She needed to keep that very natural desire from consuming them if they were to have a chance for survival.

Earth would serve the purpose well. It would give them a reason to keep going and something to think of besides what they had lost or left behind. A goal to look towards, instead of looking back.

She wasn't confident that they would find Earth, or that she would survive to lead them there, but she did have one advantage. She knew it existed and could speak about it with conviction. She could convey that belief in her speeches. She would save as many as she could and give them something to hope for.

That decided she picked up the comm link and gave her code. She was the only one left of the Colonial government. It was up to her to create some stability in the midst of all this chaos. She just hoped she was strong enough to keep them from falling apart.

Sarah Jane Smith/Laura Roslin
Doctor Who/Battlestar Galactica
281 words

rotm, prompts

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